Pointless threads - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 08-21-2002

suck it jack!

- Jack - 08-21-2002

eh.. blow it out your Asshole arpi.

(oh the irony)

Edited By Jack on Aug. 21 2002 at 11:48

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

jack and Arpi are having gay sex in the middle of a pointless thread,
this is fucking hot.
someone hold me.

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

Quote:...and don't you worry Maynard. I won't be starting any threads again. You can thank yourself and your flippant comments for that.

And that is EXACLTY what we don't need. Damn it, we need MORE people starting threads. I'm tired of looking down the column of Topic Starters and only seeing four or five names on the whole fucking page. And the same names all the time.

Luna, PLEASE start a thread when the inspiration hits you. And that goes for everyone. I don't care if it's not the funniest thng around, or the most informative, or whatever. How often to threads stay on topic normally? how often do they take on a life of their own and go off in some new and interesting direction? (At least when certain self-righteuos members don't feel a personal obligation to shit on them as soon as possibel, anyway.)

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

My apolagies Luna, and everyone else. My point was not to stop anyone from starting threads. I was asking for the people that start threads about nothing every single time they start a thread to cool it.

I don't recall ever saying anything about one of your threads Luna.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I think the mods need to discuss what they want....
are pointless threads ok as long as they aren't made by the same people,
I am really confused....
someone hold me....
(I keep asking and no one does)

- OAS - 08-21-2002

Oh whoopie, a board fight before I go on vacation. I can't wait to see what happens when I get back.

I am in the minority here but I also don't give a shit what people post. I just enjoy activity. If they don't inspire me to comment, I don't. I struggle with why that is a difficult concept for some but it is. If I feel like posting a this thread sucks, I do and I move on. If I feel like flamming or mocking someone for their sheer stupidity, I'll do that too.

If all I want is stimulating intelectual conversation, I go to The problem there is that I can't always hold a conversation. There is this molado guy there that thinks he's better than everyone else. :crackhead:

- Maynard - 08-21-2002


I was trying to be subtle here.....but I guess you guys missed it. Undecided

- Luna - 08-21-2002

I must be in the same minority as OAS.

This isn't a college course I'm's a freaking message board.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

starting a thread and naming members was subtle?

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

It's very simple. Activity is good. New and unique threads are VERY good.

What's not good is seeing the same people post the same thing over and over again. It's gets boring and repetitive.
In other words, get some new material.

And to all of you who are reding this and haven't started a thread in months, that's alright. But, please, try to think of something. Use your imagination and TRY!!!!

- Maynard - 08-21-2002

Thank you Dent. I suck at teh words sometimes.

I bow to you. :bow:

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I find that many of the creative threads I start go no where or get instantly defiled,
I started a thread about good restaurants went no where,
choiced you made that you wish you could unmake went no where.
interesting stories from childhood went no where,

yet threads I start as a goof like pizza toppings and jello get a hundred replies......

I don't think mods should tell some members not to start threads,
and tell others that they should,
I think members should do what makes them happy,
If I start a thread, and Luna posts in it and Arpi defiles it and all three of us are happy with what we did, what is the harm?

- Maynard - 08-21-2002's kind of hard to differentiate. But I wasn't starting this thread as a "mod". I was starting it as a disgruntled poster. I guess having the title though makes it kind of impossible to do that.

This thread is not a Mod or Administration decree or anything. Just me being annoyed.

sorry for the confusion.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

I will start all my stupid threads in out of the way places now....
I have a sex chat thread in cell #1 should anyone care to reply.

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

with football season drawing near, am I allowed to start a Redskins chat thread in the Sports forum or should all my commentary be posted in a general NFL thread already in existence?

- DGW - 08-21-2002

Ken, shouldn't you post that question in sports???

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

Quote:with football season drawing near, am I allowed to start a Redskins chat thread in the Sports forum or should all my commentary be posted in a general NFL thread already in existence?

Sure you can. Don't know how much support you'll get...

- Ken'sPen - 08-21-2002

are you kidding Dent,
people love me on this board,
everything I do is embraced....

- Arthur Dent - 08-21-2002

I meant the Redskins. How many fans of them do you think are around here? Why don't you go find out?