What's worse? - Printable Version

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- Arthur Dent - 08-23-2002

Not as bad as this guy.

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

Who's worse? That guy or you for finding and reading the article?

He's in the paper, you found his story to be of interest. He wins.

- SYNTuesday - 08-23-2002

I say anyone who's the best at a game that involves chance, is only better than the second best guy because of the luck of the draw. He got good letters maybe. Too much of poker, for example, or blackjack, is left to chance and makes being the best at it kinda meaningless.

Technically speaking, I think only games with perfect information are accomplishments, if you master them.

- Keyser Soze - 08-23-2002

I think we can all agree that Lent is a major league loser.

- Sloatsburgh - 08-23-2002

I going for people who have no interest in things outside of their own life; those who are complete absorbed with themself and things that only affect them. People who balk at the attention people pay to sports. We all need outside interests not only to amuse ourselves but to also give us networking outlets to meet other people (and enjoy their company).

This is based on the principle that it is more mature to be interdependant than independant, that it is better to rely on people because we have learned that we can't do everything by ourself. (I'm reading 7 habits of highly effective people on the train rides home.)

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

Quote:because we have learned that we can't do everything by ourself. (I'm reading 7 habits of highly effective people on the train rides home.)

Try talking to people on the train instead of being so absorbed reading a book by yourself.... Mr. Anti Social.

- Buttmunch - 08-23-2002

I've got a great collection of tooth picks from around the world.

- virgingrrl - 08-23-2002

[Image: wave.gif] hi buttmunch.

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

Quote:We all need outside interests not only to amuse ourselves but to also give us networking outlets to meet other people
OK, faggot.

Some people choose to have outside interests that do not involve sucking the proverbial cock of someone who doesn't give a shit about them.

I'm no sooner going to get upset by the Yankees losing the world series than I am by a bus getting bombed in Israel. You know why? BECAUSE I CAN'T FUCKING CONTROL IT!

There is nothing wrong with enjoying something and discussing it with people around you. I draw the line at obsessed fans that endure emotional anguish when something doesn 't got the way of the object of their obsession.

Like people going to a rally for O&A, to show their support. That's just fucking ridiculous. Anyone that goes is being used as a pawn and is shamefully obviously not capable of independent thought.

It's one thing to enjoy the entertainment value of something. It's another to consider yourself to be a part of something from which you couldn't possibly be further removed.

- Keyser Soze - 08-23-2002

I think K1d has some major anti-social issues. Were you picked on in school?

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

Why all the anger Kid,
and why are you calling everyone Faggot or fahget or other variations these days,
get in touch with yourself and embrace what ever awkward feelings are creating this rage.

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

I'm not angry at all. I was merely making a point. You people and your perceptions of me being angry all of the time really robs you of much of the humor of my posts.

- Sloatsburgh - 08-23-2002

Quote:Try talking to people on the train instead of being so absorbed reading a book by yourself.... Mr. Anti Social.

I ride the train with my wife.

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

Sloats I just thought the image was funny of you being surrounded by people but reading quietly a book that tells you to meet more people,
the sarcasm tags were implied.......

Kid if there was more humor in your posts maybe it wouldn't seem that you are just angry.

- Keyser Soze - 08-23-2002

Ken you just don't get his edgy brand of humor. He's the Lenny Bruce of message board posting.

- Buttmunch - 08-23-2002

So K1d, I'll meet you and VG (Hi VG :toast: ) at Hooters at, say, around 2:30?

I suggest you bring some extra face paint, VG's a big girl.

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

Damn Keyser......
I was going for a kinder\gentler ken today and I was going to edit out my kid remark......
but yer too fast for me.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-23-2002

Quote:I'm no sooner going to get upset by the Yankees losing the world series

But but that was a catastrophe! :disappointed:

- Keyser Soze - 08-23-2002

Some people don't understand the emotional investment you put into a professional sports team when you follow them day in and day out. Do they players know me? No. Do they care about me? Hell no. You can't possibly understand unless you've sat through the ups and downs of a season how emotionally wrenching it is for real fans to watch their teams win and lose.

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

Keyser I agree....
though free agency has killed a lot of that for me,
I find that as the team changes yearly that THEY don't even care about the team anymore, history, and even rivalries die....
what the Fuck does Bruce Smith care about playing the Cowboys?

it just seems silly for me to invest as much emotion as I do\did when it is just for a uniform and the team du jour playing in it.