Harry potter selling vibrators to kids - The conservatives are up in arms - Printable Version

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- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:Cause I'm a lonely Jew on Christmas.

Then you should have asked Hounika Harry.

- OAS - 09-09-2002

It must suck to be a Jew.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Quote:Hounika Harry.

It must suck worse to spell everything phonetically. Does it really toss your cookies if I tell you it can be spelled starting with the letter 'C'?

- Black Lazerus - 09-09-2002

Stupid sensitive Jews.

- Gooch - 09-09-2002

hey, at least we jews took care of that crackpot, jesus. Couple nails, two pieces of wood...goodbye annoying messiah.

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:Does it really toss your cookies if I tell you it can be spelled starting with the letter 'C'?

That's why I prefer christianity. they use english.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

No shit.

It's taking the combined armed forced of the United States to kill Osama bin Laden, and all it took for the Jew to kill Jesus was a dude with a hammer

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:and all it took for the Jew to kill Jesus was a dude with a hammer

You mean the might and authority of the Roman Empire? :poke:

See, the ITALIANS killed Jesus. That's why they're so religious.

Edited By Arthur Dent on Sep. 09 2002 at 2:27

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Nope, just a hammer

If the Italians did it, the Shroud of Tourin would have been a checkered tablecloth with marinara stains

Edited By Doc on Sep. 09 2002 at 2:29

- OAS - 09-09-2002

If I had a hammer.........

- PollyannaFlower46 - 09-09-2002

I'd hammer in the morning....

(Damn you OAS)

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-09-2002

Thread hijack status = successful.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Captain Obvious to the rescue