What would you do? - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

I don't think I would have gotten the balls to get her attention either.
unless I made so quality eye contact or had something that was more that pure lame pick up attempt I would have been sitting there watching the other guy in his march to greatness as well.........

I NEVER had a good pure pick up rap for a stranger......

but then again, you never know what you have till ya try.

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:then again, i am a simple kinda gal.

And we simple kinda guys really appreciate it. :thumbs-up:

Making the effort is half the battle and just be yourself and say hi. :bow: :toast:

Anybody else got any "What would you do?" situations they want to share?

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

hey arthur make your self a promise, that if you ever see her again, you will say hello. or even if its another lady you find attractive, just say hello. it works wonders for you and her. she (unless she is a crazy bitch) will appricate your effort, and you will feel good about yourself that you hade the balls to do it, even if it doesnt go anywhere....

some of the best days of my life is when i take risks, and so what if i fail? at least i can say that i did it. i didnt sit around and wish it happend.
like when there was an open audition last year for rent. i took that risk and sat on the sidewalks of lower manhatten for hours, JUST to get my chance to sing in front of these people. did anything become of it? nope. BUT i fucking tried and just that makes me happy in itself. "forget regrets or life is yours to miss..." :thumbs-up:

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

Arpi still laughs about it,
he sent me a tape called VG's shame.....

we play it at my office.

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

fuck you ken. i did a Damn good job,and i was told i did a good job. i am proud of myself. when was the last time you did something that made you proud of yourself?

Edited By virgingrrl on Sep. 09 2002 at 5:22

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

I was totally teasing dear,
I tease the ones I love,

I have no idea as to the quality of your audition,
but do respect the fact you did it......

(guess what I am listing to when I drive home tonight? :-p )

kisses dear.

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Thanks VG. I made myself that promise a few days ago. Just remembered the British SAS motto "He who dares, wins." Gotta take a risk if you want to succeed. What's the worse that could happen? She says no or some sarcastic comment?

Like my boss likes to say, "You can't hit the ball if you don't swing the bat."

I always appreciate hearing a woman's opinion on this stuff.

Anybody else have a hard time hitting on a girl when you know your friends are watching? :crackhead:

- Doc - 09-09-2002

How come you never tease me anymore, hmmmm?

Why can't it be like it was in the first three months Ken, why?

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

Quote:guess what I am listing to when I drive home tonight?

the sad silence that is your life?

no need to thank me arthur, just do it for yourself! :thumbs-up:

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

I never teased you Doc,
I just complimented your bug eyed Earl sig,
that was our only interaction

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

Quote:the sad silence that is your life?

hello darkness my old friend.

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-09-2002

I actually CAN'T hit on girls unless I'm with friends, because I don't want to act lame like, "Yes, I'm here alone..."

Work is great for picking up girls...
but you toe that line between doing your job and being an idiot.

- Kid Afrika - 09-09-2002

"You are one pathetic loser."

- GonzoStyle - 09-09-2002

Shoulda whipped out your cock and said "look I'm crazy, you know what happens when I don't get my 'medicine'?"

- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

nice ride home today,
nuthin gives me the giggles like VG trying for that high note.

- virgingrrl - 09-09-2002

Quote:nuthin gives me the giggles like VG trying for that high note.

such the funny guy you are ken. little do you know that i am most comfortable singing as a first soprano. though my range is from a high alto to first soprano. so neener neener poo poo on your face.

and anywho, the song i sang wasn't high at all.

someone please tell me why i am trying to reason with him? :clueless:

- Ken'sPen - 09-10-2002

you aren't going to get that answer on this board....
they all try to reason with me,
except Arpi....
who makes threats and hides...