The perfect number of icecubes - In a 16 oz glass of cold soda - Printable Version

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- Zootybang - 10-07-2002

Yeah, but he's an angry donut, so he rules.

- The Sleeper - 10-07-2002


- crx girl - 10-07-2002

i'm hungry Undecided

- Zootybang - 10-07-2002

And you're british, so It sucks for you twice.

- crx girl - 10-07-2002

it does?

- Zootybang - 10-07-2002

Ooooh, no one told you yet? Sorry.

- crx girl - 10-07-2002

ah, but i have beer, so, it's ok :thumbs-up:

- Galt - 10-07-2002

But it's British beer so it's probably piss warm like every other liquid in that country? Why the fuck do you people hate ice so much?

While we're at it, what's the hatred of Toothpaste all about?

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-08-2002

I chew lots of ice...

- DoughBoy - 10-08-2002

Crushed ice sucks. 7 cubes works the best. Ice in Milk rules. Ice in cafe = more rulrz.

- Danked - 10-09-2002

I heard if you chew lots of ice, you may be anemic.

- Galt - 10-09-2002

chewing tin foil cures bad breath