Ghost stories - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 10-31-2002

... i was laying on the couch late at night at my grandmother's... it was a summer night, and I could see the green lights of the lightning bugs in the window outside... all of a sudden, the whole window was filled with a huge green light, as if there was a huge lightening bug out there, or ..... maybe....... A GHOST?...
... anyway, I got the shit scared out of me, and stayed awake the rest of the night..... I never found out what it was....

- Hey Ladi - 10-31-2002

VG's story ..... goosebump city! eEEeeEeeeeEeEe :-o

- virgingrrl - 10-31-2002

i have more, but those are the top 3. i still have chills from just thinking about those stories.

- Hey Ladi - 10-31-2002

I'm afraid to look behind me. Last night I was already afraid of the dark. I'd sleep with my head under the covers if I didn't need fresh air.

- virgingrrl - 10-31-2002

ok..i wont tell no more.
sorry Undecided

- AFDude - 10-31-2002

Jesus, that story WAS creepy.

- Danked - 10-31-2002


I don't like this thread anymore.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 10-31-2002

Undecided those are scary


- Hey Ladi - 10-31-2002

no no! do tell!! :firebounce:
if you're not gonna sleep, might as well go all out

- virgingrrl - 10-31-2002

if you is another creepy one to start your day...

my friend and her family had gone on vacation. they have a really nice, big house, with a huge back yard and a huge inground swimming pool. her parents are those really cool parents that basically let the kids have the run of the house, and their childrens friends are allowwed over any time of day or night. so while they went on vacation, they told me and my whole crew of friends that we can use the pool as long as we kept shit clean, turned the filter on when we left, and locked the gate.

so it was one hot afternoon, and about 8 of us went over to go swimming and hang out. after a few hours of just chilling, my friend matt is laying on a raft in the pool just staring at the house. when he notices a figure in the window upstairs. i remember looking at him and just see him staring with a puzzled look on his face. i had asked him what was wrong...and he just points. a few of us turn and look, and see a figure in the window. a man. i turn back to him and say "oh that's just Pop, (her grandfather who lives a block away), he is just here to check on the house and stuff. Matt shakes his head and says no...and the few others say "no,its not Pop". i turn back to look, and all you see is the blinds moving, as if someone was just there then left. freaked out we all get out of the pool and head out of the yard. im still trying to convince them that it was her grandfather, but they insist that the man was too large to be her grandfather. we all say our good byes and go our seaprate ways. as im walking home, i pass her grandparents house, and they are just pulling in to their driveway. i say hello and ask if they were just at the house. they say no, that they were just about to head over there in a few minutes, as her grandfather opens his trunk reveling a trunk full of groceries....

- AFDude - 10-31-2002

that one wasn't as good as the other one, but still not bad....

- Metalfan - 10-31-2002

More VG more hehehehe

- Hybrid - 10-31-2002

there was a thread like this on not to long ago. i can get some of the stories people posted from there if you want.

- Danked - 10-31-2002

Sure. I searched for some yesterday and there are just so many lame ghost story sites by 12 year olds to sift through.

- Hybrid - 10-31-2002

ok. i'll do it when i get back to my dorm. i forgot my username password for it so i cant log on here. (i have it saved at the dorm)

- virgingrrl - 10-31-2002

picky fuckers :-p

i told you i gave you the top 3 last night.

happy halloweenies everyone :-)

- nerdo5 - 10-31-2002

twas a good yarn, vg.

- kindred - 10-31-2002

I love ghost stories. I love to be scared.

I have never experienced anything. But my old neighbor across the street from the house where I grew up had a ton of experiences. She would be sitting on her couch and her front door would open up, let the dog out, and close again. She heard a loud thump in the kitchen and a child crying. She ran in there only to find an empty kitchen. She was always missing keys, jewelry, etc, only to have the reappear a few days later in a completely obscure place (her car keys were in a drawer in her bathroom she hardly ever used).

I babysat in that house many times, but never heard or saw a thing.

- nerdo5 - 10-31-2002

Quote:her car keys were in a drawer in her bathroom she hardly ever used

creepy. i'm convinced that the house i live in now is haunted. i hear sounds like people walking around upstairs all the time, but i know nobody's there.

what's even scarier, though, down in my basement, there is a hole about the same size as a glove. i feel wind blowing out of it, and hear rumbling noises coming from it. i bought a drill, and now i'm going to open it up just a bit. i'll let you know how it go's

- Cunk - 10-31-2002

Quote:from that night on he was a believer, and finally believed all of us and the things that had happened to us. after her father had seen that it was the uncle that was "living" with them, the hauntings happened less and less. guess he just wanted to let them know he was there, watching over them.

Maybe he wanted the van back.