Monday Night raw - Bischoff's Announcement - Printable Version

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- Goatweed - 01-21-2003

I think HBK is hurting more than he is healthy. Rumor has it the only reason he was in the rumble was to up the buy-rate, but clearly he wasn't all that important as he was manhandled in less then 3 minutes. I'm also guessing a feud betweem Y2J and Test is on it's way - which would give more credibility to the rumor that HBK isn't really in form to wrestle.

Then again, it could've just been that crack-team of writiers trying to "shake things up" again.

- Faceman - 01-21-2003

If I was an EMT and Staci was really knocked out, I think I would be looking at a malpractice suit and either a son or a daughter down the line. The best part of that angle was Test crying like a little bitch. Maybe Jericho snaps under all the pressure of people blaming him for the injury and just decides to cripple HBK and retire him for good. There isn't anybody else that this would help more. Knocking out HBK for good would be quite a feather in Jericho's cap and officially turn him into a wrestling icon, deservedly so

- Gooch - 01-21-2003

My prediction:
Stone Cold will show up at Now Way Out, and promptly sign to Steph's Smackdown, casuing Bischoff to be fired and Shane to take over...Bischoff then shows up with a new group (new nWo...or Rock)

- Faceman - 01-21-2003

Well "alledgedly" Steph's big announcement is the Rock is going to be at No Way Out as well. But as a heel, which I like alot. I'm tired of the nice Rock. I want the bitter fucker back with the long sideburns. Maybe he can be traded to RAW, lord knows they need something" and join up with Teddy Long, D-Lo and Maven and reform the NOD. That way they can cripple HHH and his mini-faction down the line. I'd say that Rock can throw HHH off a bridge and drown him, but shit floats doesnt it?

- GonzoStyle - 01-21-2003

I agree with facey, Rock was one of the greatest heels ever. He's a much better heel than he is a face.

- LyricalGomez - 01-21-2003

While I want Rock as a heel, I don't want another stable to reform. Give it a new name, but don't call it NoD, we don't need to rehash ANOTHER stable.

- GonzoStyle - 01-21-2003

Unless HHH reforms DX and they do another parody of NOD.

- LyricalGomez - 01-22-2003

The first one is still my favorite.


Rock, if anybody can smell what you're cooking, it's me....LOOK HOW BIG MY Damn NOSE IS