Jesus was a black man - want proof ? - Printable Version

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- Galt - 04-27-2003

Though he was guilty as Hell, everyone's trying to rewrite history and make him seem like a saint.

- diceisgod - 04-27-2003

Soldiers beat him like he was Rodney King.

- Galt - 04-27-2003

billions of white people accross the globe are scared shitless about what will happen if he ever comes back here and is pissed off.

- diceisgod - 04-27-2003

Before he died people lined up along the streets wanting to spit on him.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 04-27-2003

He walked everywhere.

- Galt - 04-27-2003

he was poor as dirt, yet still drank a lot

- Hybrid - 04-27-2003

he wore long white shirts that went past his knees

- HedCold - 04-27-2003

he tricked everyone into thinking the water he had was wine

- Galt - 04-27-2003

Seriously, HedCold I'm not going to ask you politely again.

Insert the few missing initial frames of your sig

- Arpikarhu - 04-27-2003

if he was a black jew did he harass himself once a month for the rent?

- HedCold - 04-27-2003

Quote:Seriously, HedCold I'm not going to ask you politely again.

Insert the few missing initial frames of your sig
its hard to get those frames because it comes up quick and its not centralized on the tv
and i'm lazy, so no
maybe some other time :21:

- Galt - 04-27-2003

just download the fucking movie and crop the scene. If only your girlfriend saw how lazy you were and realized this was a sign of many other things that you would be inept at like providing for her and a family, then she'd leave you.

You best get to stepping and fix that sig.

PS. Jesus hated fags big time like black do.

- HedCold - 04-28-2003

i rather keep it this way knowing that it annoys you

- Arpikarhu - 04-28-2003

Quote:i rather keep it this way knowing that it annoys you
i cant help but feel proud that i have rubbed off on you some how.

- HedCold - 04-28-2003

must be why we're such good buddies :thumbs-up:

- Galt - 04-28-2003

fine. Keep it that way. Have a sig that isn't as powerful as its potential.


I'm just upset because we lost at softball today to ruin our undefeated season.

- HedCold - 04-28-2003

i bet it was your fault

- Arpikarhu - 04-28-2003

yeah, i bet you got a penalty or shot one in the wrong basket. loser!

- HedCold - 04-28-2003


- Arpikarhu - 04-28-2003

i was backing you up with galt.