Superman Ride - Printable Version

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- JimmyBlueEyes - 06-17-2003

if not that then you deal with the welfare recipients and their babys' fathers and 8 kids by 6 different women...and they come down in busloads. What happened to the good old days when Great Adventure was open on a weekday and the kids were still in school?? I used to go regularly when I was stationed in Jersey with the Coast Guard. Not too many people and never a long wait for a ride. This was maybe 7 years ago.

- crx girl - 06-17-2003

yeah, we were hoping it wouldn't be so bad being a monday when the kids were still in school but apparently they just don't go anymore, unless the class is taking a field trip to great adventure, which they apparently all were today.

so, of course we got there way later than planned, got stuck in traffic for about an hour trying to get onto the turnpike. so, once we got there we wandered aimlessly in our stoned state, saw a couple of really long lines and decided to splurge 30 bucks on this little q-bot thing that you swipe at the beginning of the line, then you can go fuck off and do other wandering around stuff, and then when it gets to be the time that you would've made the front of the line your little thingy goes off and you go right up the back way and get on the ride. at first i was skeptical, but having spent no more than 5 minutes waiting on any line i decided it was worth it. they cost 20 bucks then 10 more for each extra person, so if there's 6 people i'd say it's definitely worth the 11 bucks each to be able to do all your wandering around, eating and spending money on other useless stuff while also waiting on line for the big rides without having to be there.

as for superman ride, it was real cool. it's like the regular ones where you're in a seat hanging from the rail, only you're in the lying position so you're facing away from the tracks. you can see the ground rushing by below you but not what's coming next and when you go into the big loop it feels like you're going backwards and you're whole body tries to fold into your head. good stuff :thumbs-up:
so, superman gets a thumbs up, although it was a pretty short ride, but at least we didn't have to spend more than 5 minutes waiting to go on. nitro is still my favourite rollercoaster though. that initial drop does it for me every time.

- The Sleeper - 06-17-2003

did you go white water rafting?

- Hey Ladi - 06-17-2003

the safari thing was cool, ostriches pecked the window & I pet a camel's face (then they said keep the windows up)

- LyricalGomez - 06-17-2003

I like standing in line, you are privy to some interesting conversations

- crx girl - 06-17-2003

-->Crack HItler

i enjoyed the plethera of 16 year old girls, all with their shorts pulled up their firm and tight twats, and their t'shirts wet from a water ride. say what you want about allthe fat ricans' with their kids and the loud noisey niggers, but there are a shit load of hot little whitegirls soaking wet. :19: :39:

Edited By crx girl on 1055883336

- crx girl - 06-18-2003

16? pfft. most of the ones you were checking out were 14, tops.

- GonzoStyle - 06-19-2003

Quote:mini-welfare states called amusement parks

DIG has a future in marketing.

- Hey Ladi - 06-19-2003

Quote:all with their shorts pulled up their firm and tight twats
on the line to batman & robin, the line turns & goes up a ramp, so you can look up the shorts

some little twat was shaking her ass like a maniac for most of the wait
the guys loved it, some of the girls were gonna kick her ass