My AIM Conversation with Keyser - Regarding the "Booty Call" situation - Printable Version

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- Velociti - 07-22-2003

I still think it's funny, oh and DIG, i'd nominate that for best line ever so don't worry

- Ken'sPen - 07-22-2003

Keyser why do you continue to justify your actions, by attacking me?

I said that "the line" was arbitrary. Everyone must decide on their own how hard they are willing to hit someone. I was just saying that to my thinking, what you did was a little too cruel. Other people here are giving you high fives. so don't sweat a creepy old man's opinion.

- Galt - 07-22-2003

I didn't realize you were so old. It is kind of skeevy. I always new Arpi was one of them, but not you.

- Ken'sPen - 07-22-2003

I'm only 38......
so it's not quite so skeevy.

- Keyser Soze - 07-22-2003

Quote:That was a good chuckle. Let's destroy someone else now.

your turn. i think i'm done, the aftermath is too exhausting.

- Ken'sPen - 07-22-2003

so did you start a thread in BTS bragging to Arpi that you finally ran someone off the board?

- Galt - 07-22-2003

remember when I made shut down?

- Ken'sPen - 07-22-2003

YOU will always be "that other guy" in my heart.

- Velociti - 07-22-2003

I predicted this over 2 days ago, galt and keyser "running her off the board" that is.

- Galt - 07-22-2003

Velociti Wrote:I predicted this over 2 days ago, galt and keyser "running her off the board" that is.

And don't lump me in with Dice Soze. Aside from when I was calling her names, I was never anything but nice to her.

- Keyser Soze - 07-22-2003

i'm in elite company now.

arpi is busy playing den mother in ES.

- Velociti - 07-22-2003

here, 7 posts down. and It wasnt 2 days ago as I had originally said, but still before keyser posted the im

- Keyser Soze - 07-22-2003

you didnt mention me.

- Velociti - 07-22-2003

ok maybe it wasn't so prophetic, but still interesting

- Galt - 07-22-2003

not really. I had nothing to do with this. I was one of the few on her side.

- Arpikarhu - 07-22-2003

to say i bash her relentlessly is bullshit and an attempt by that piece of shit keyser to rationalize his own actions.
one day i went at her and that is it. and i certainly duid nothing to betray her trust, unlike dogshit boy.
to compare calling someone a few names to what that scumbag did is a crock and a poor attempt to rationalize a detestable act.
too also think that i am posting on this matter merely to create drama is also a lie and an attempt by dogshit boy to rationalize his own internal guilt on the matter regardless of what lame quips he says to the contrary.
i spoke with "suzie" today and while she blames herself for getting so drunk that she wrote those things , she is also humiliated beyond belief. I hope that dogshit boy had fun with his "comedy gold", it only goes to prove what a pathetic lame excuse for a person he is.

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2003

Quote:SoupSoupAD: you dont know these people and you never want to meet them

NycJpc: That's true. I don't and won't.

a single tear just ran down my cheek.

- Arpikarhu - 07-22-2003

GonzoStyle Wrote:
Quote:SoupSoupAD: you dont know these people and you never want to meet them

NycJpc: That's true. I don't and won't.

a single tear just ran down my cheek.
and hes from boston too. he would have loved all of the amos and andy humor. mores the pity.

- Gooch - 07-22-2003

Arpikarhu Wrote:to say i bash her relentlessly is bullshit and an attempt by that piece of shit keyser to rationalize his own actions.
one day i went at her and that is it. and i certainly duid nothing to betray her trust, unlike dogshit boy.
to compare calling someone a few names to what that scumbag did is a crock and a poor attempt to rationalize a detestable act.
too also think that i am posting on this matter merely to create drama is also a lie and an attempt by dogshit boy to rationalize his own internal guilt on the matter regardless of what lame quips he says to the contrary.
i spoke with "suzie" today and while she blames herself for getting so drunk that she wrote those things , she is also humiliated beyond belief. I hope that dogshit boy had fun with his "comedy gold", it only goes to prove what a pathetic lame excuse for a person he is.
it's the lowest thing since FingerBang, actually. And probably the lowest thing I've ever witnessed on the board.

- GonzoStyle - 07-22-2003

Shut the fuck up fag of la mancha, go cry me another river about gaynard ripping your heart out.