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- The Jays - 08-07-2003

[Mad] Well, if you must know, I'm a Libertarian because , see, my dad had this goldfish once. Good times. [/Mad]

- Mad - 08-07-2003


- The Jays - 08-07-2003

Quote:You seem to embrace all that is Republican as if it's a good thing. Learn to think for yourself and not what talk radio tells you too.

Thanks. I so needed to get advice on my political views from you.

- Mad - 08-07-2003


- Sir O - 08-07-2003

The thing about the Libertarian Party is, they'd probably win over a good number of Republicans if people didn't automatically write them off as "a waste of a vote." Libertarianism is basically classical conservatism, as opposed to today's warmongering-in-the-name-of-God-and-oil neoconservativism practiced by the current Republican party.

- Doc - 08-07-2003

1. It's not about oil

2. Never argue religion or politics with's not an argument either can win, it's based on beliefs

- HollywoodJewMoses - 08-07-2003

remember Oil Can Boyd?

- Sir O - 08-07-2003

1. Debatable

2. But it's so much fun

- The Jays - 08-07-2003's also mind numbing....

- HollywoodJewMoses - 08-07-2003

mad, you are so anti-american

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

I bet he plays for the terrorists.

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

I hear Larry Flint's platform is simple.

1) Smoking will be allowed in bar rooms.
2) Everyone who votes for him will get 30% off the subscription price.
3) in best Larry Flint voice:::Yes, he'll get you banannas

- Mad - 08-07-2003

WhackBagKid Wrote:mad, you are so anti-American
Actual I'm not.

I love the foundation of this country. As written and intended by our founder's. Not what it has become.

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

That was over two hundred years ago, dude.

You think we should still obide by laws set forth by men who owned slaves and wore wooden dentures?
Get with the times, dude.

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

Let's all bear arms and get ready to revolt against those who have placed a tax on our Bigelow's and Lipton products...

- Mad - 08-07-2003

Hoon Wrote:That was over two hundred years ago, dude.

You think we should still obide by laws set forth by men who owned slaves and wore wooden dentures?
Get with the times, dude.
That's a typical response from a brain dead person.

The Welfare/Prison System or Working and paying taxes are just another harsher form of slavery.

Prison, welfare or the plantation. Still a tool for the man.

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

We'll send England a declaration and wait three months for someone to sail it across the ocean in a glorified dingy, hand it to Tony Blair then await his return with the response.

Edited By Hoon on 1060224617

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

Quote:That's a typical response from a brain dead person.

True. I must say, you never post a typical response.

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

Welfare/Prison is slavery?

So if some lazy piece of shit who doesn't work because he can't smell too good, has six kids..
And one of them shoots you in the penis...

They are the victims?

I disagree.
I'm a big fan of initiative and taking responsibility.
Too many people believe they're owed something they're not, these days.
We've becoma a nation of whine asses.

I wish this country could go back to the days where men worked on the railroad..
lost a finger, wrapped it in a bandanna and kept working.

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

... but we have planes now...