Children - people who shouldn't have them - Printable Version

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- Fucko - 08-07-2003

Alkey made me feel better.

- IrishAlkey - 08-07-2003

I'm a good judge of character.

Man, that Shelle is a sweet girl.

- Fucko - 08-07-2003

I sure do hope there was no sarcasm in that post because it would hurt me.

- IrishAlkey - 08-07-2003

None at all, sweet tits.

- crx girl - 08-07-2003

i know zooty.

and isn't foo like 18, married with 2 kids? yeah, he should be here...

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

Fucko Wrote:To fit into this strange place and be loved by all.
How pathetic.

If I really wanted to "fit in" here I'd attach some gay signature pic or pick something that was played out
3 years ago for my avatar..

Like say,.......Cartman.

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

because Shannon Hoon is topical...despite the fact that maggots are feasting on him right now....

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

Goatweed Wrote:because Shannon Hoon is topical...despite the fact that maggots are feasting on him right now....
Most folks would be very, very hard pressed to name a Hoon tune other than "No Rain"

Every douchebag from 8 to 80 can do a Cartman impression
not to mention repeat no less than 5 of his catch phrases.

Your point is?

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

Hoon Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:because Shannon Hoon is topical...despite the fact that maggots are feasting on him right now....
Most folks would be very, very hard pressed to name a Hoon tune other than "No Rain"

Every douchebag from 8 to 80 can do a Cartman impression
not to mention repeat no less than 5 of his catch phrases.

Your point is?
my point is Shannon Hoon is not topical, nor was he really when he was alive - No Rain was the only song that people knew back then (and still know), mostly becauxe of the chubby annoying bee girl in the video because she looked ridiculous.

Cartman is topical because he's funny and never gets old. He'll also never die, because he's not really alive so he's got that going for him too.

therefore Cartman > Shannon Hoon - have a great day!!!

- Hoon - 08-07-2003

I didn't pick the avatar or sign on name to be "topical".
I dig the music.
Music that isn't mass produced and unoriginal.
Was that what you were going for with the Quinten Terratino / Ted Debiasie avatar?

And let me get this straight....
You think Cartman is still funny? I guess simple minds are easily amused.
I admit, I got a chuckle out of him two years ago but now i turn the channel.

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

the avatar explains how I'm feeling lately.

the sig lets everyone know I'm filthy rich <g> - plus it was made for me by a good friend of mine.

Quote:And let me get this straight....
You think Cartman is still funny? I guess simple minds are easily amused.
Yeah, because I'm sure Shannon Hoon is putting out great music from the grave - not that he needs to, because let's face it - Blind Melon was and will always be an incredible band Rolleyes

And yeah, Cartman is still > than Shannon Hoon.

- Hoon - 08-07-2003 only dig music created by living artists?
All the cool ones are dead.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
Hoon 8====> Goat

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

I appreciate good music from dead and alive artists.

Dead or alive, Blind Melon was not good music.

and keep your millimeter monster away from me - thanks.

- IrishAlkey - 08-07-2003

All I can say is that Hoon is pretty lame
He chases all the board's posters away

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

but he likes Blind Melon - that's gotta count for something, no?

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

was it something I said?

- IrishAlkey - 08-07-2003

No, it's an e-mail you wrote.

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

so true Sad

but I didn't send it!

- PatCooper - 08-07-2003

1. i liked blind melon- (then) now i could give a fuck
2. Cartman- still funny but was he's no Special Ed
3. Hoon. undecided at this moment. But seems ok.

- diceisgod - 08-07-2003
