I'm pretty close to 10,000 posts - Printable Version

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- Danked - 08-07-2003


- Jack - 08-07-2003


- diceisgod - 08-07-2003

I'm pretty close to 7-11.

- Goatweed - 08-07-2003

try the Blueberry Creme coffee - it's heaven in a cup!

- Danked - 08-07-2003

Smoked Turkey, Pepperjack Cheese, Wheatberry Bread.

Only good sandwich at 7-11.

- Doc - 08-07-2003

Blech, 7-11 food blows

Now Wawa...their food is the bomb diggity

- Keyser Soze - 08-07-2003

used to be the only place i could get a krispy creme in nj