What'd ya do? - during the blackout - Printable Version

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- fbd - 08-16-2003

i was showering, lights go out, but they came back on before i got out. i then had to go to my grandma's house, because it was my mom's birthday, so we get in the car, and the radio is dead. we flip around, eventually find stations that were working, so we go home. i then have to spend the day cleaning the house until my aunts showed up(my mom's party was moved here, since we had power)

i think i'd prefer it if i didn't have power

- GonzoStyle - 08-16-2003

I was at work, we thought the power went out naturally. We kicked everyone out of the store, some old jew started cursing me for throwing him out. I get outside and notice everyone is outside and no one has power. The old man kept on cursing at me and I said "look old man, world war 3 has started and we are all gonna die. So unless you want me to speed you on your way to the other side get in your car and get in your fuckin fallout shelter". I honestly did think we were all gonna die at the time, I hope I didn't give him a heart attack or nothin.

- Sir O - 08-16-2003

I just got home from work and was taking a shower when power went out.

I noticed I had no electricity, so I started reading a book...

Then my sister called me asking if I was alright. I asked why the fuck she'd be calling asking if I was alright...then she explained the blackout...and I said something like "that sucks"...and then she started relaying what was being shown on cable news (she lives in Tennessee)...then finally I said "ok, can I get back to my book?" I said goodbye and read til it got too dark and went to sleep and when I woke up I had power again.

Too bad I wasn't trapped in a subway tunnel, that would be a cool story to tell the grandkids...

- Galt - 08-16-2003

did you wear the aluminum foil headcover so the government doesn't steal your thoughts while you were reading?

- Sir O - 08-16-2003


- GonzoStyle - 08-16-2003


- Gooch - 08-16-2003

i left work, went straight to bar with brothers and some other co-workers, drank one drink, and then reconsidered on getting drunk in such heat, not knowing what was next, and lacking cash. My cousin dropped by and we went to her apartment down on 17th street, bought vodka, some food, and partied at her place with 6 other people on her building's roof, in candlelight, seeing the stars in the night sky, the dark city all around, and the helicopters going to and fro...smoked alot of pot, and had a great evening. Slept very little...but oh well. Next morning, someone actually drove into the city (no traffic whatsoever) and brought us out to LI, where electricity was already on.

Interesting experience.

- IrishAlkey - 08-17-2003

I played checkers.

- Goatweed - 08-17-2003

did you win?

- IrishAlkey - 08-17-2003

It was a tie.

- Goatweed - 08-17-2003

at least you didn't lose :thumbs-up:

- IrishAlkey - 08-17-2003

And I had to keep chasing the spics who were climbing on my car to pick apples.

I shined my flashlight in their faces.

- Goatweed - 08-17-2003

they probably thought you were a cop - or immigration.

- JimmyBlueEyes - 08-17-2003

I went in to work. FDNY Communications. We rocked and rolled all night long. Fire Fire everywhere. It was non stop from the time I got into work in the Bronx till the time I got home to Queens. We had generator power up until 8:30 pm and then we went back onto Con Ed power. I came home, took a cold shower and slept all day. Did the same last night.

- crx girl - 08-17-2003

i was heading out of key west around 4. drove with the top down for a while until it got too hot. hit key largo at around 5:30 and went to the beach for a while. then at 7 headed back to my parents house, got there, found out about the black out. had some dinner. got online and talked to the few people who had power, and jays who was on aim on his phone. then i went to bed. tonight i went to a keg party and hung out with a lot of people i haven't seen for years.

- drusilla - 08-17-2003

just got home from getting my hair did when the power went out.
went on my lap top for a while & spoke to keyser & hybrid. was able to IM keyser on & off on my cell.
hung out out side with my mom, sister & her kid til about 11pm. (had dinner, played cards, board games).
at 11 my retard ex shows up to brag about his trip to greece for 2 hours. i tell him i'm tired so he leaves at 1.
at 1:30 am i went for a walk around my neighborhood with my mom cause it was too hot & we couldn't sleep.
fell asleep around 3am. sweated my balls off all night.
woke up around 8:30am when the power came back on & all the lights & my radio turned on.

oh yeah, my brother was in my neighborhood (queens) in the afternoon. he was getting an eye exam. the doctors dilated his eyes & the power went out. he had no gas in his death trap of a car, so he had to drive my truck to his house in suffolk county with those stupid black plastic sunglasses on so he could get to his kids. the bastard still has my truck. & i want it back.

Edited By drusilla on 1061110319

- Rape Fantasizer - 08-18-2003

I was doing some sort of gambling in AC, didn't even know about the blackout until I got back to the 2 bedroom/2 bathroom suite I got for free.

- drusilla - 08-18-2003


- JimmyBlueEyes - 08-19-2003

Yeah what she said. Going to AC and not telling me.

- Bland - 08-19-2003

I was in my office. I had to climb down forty fucking floors of stairs and then walk 3 miles over the bridge and into Brooklyn. I then spent the night on my couch listening to the Yankee game on the radio and drank warm beer.