How Come? - Printable Version

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- crx girl - 09-01-2003

i like cheese

- Goatweed - 09-01-2003

on your ass?

- crx girl - 09-01-2003


- Goatweed - 09-01-2003

is Velveeta ok? it's all I have.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

i have swiss and jack

- The Jays - 09-01-2003

no way are you getting any jack on your ass

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

ooh i also have garden vegetable cream cheese

- Goatweed - 09-01-2003

garden vegetable cream cheese is amazing.

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

Dude, thank you. I've been arguing this fact for years. Spirals are infinately better than regular.
And is cream cheese really cheese, or just some nasty goop that couldn't be identified, so they just called it cheese?

- Goatweed - 09-01-2003

its cheese - like cottage cheese but better.

- GonzoStyle - 09-01-2003

Quote:i have swiss and jack

tell jack I need to talk to him, kthx.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

i have one of those cottage cheese doubles with raspberry too

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

cream cheese is awful. it's the one thing that prevents me from eating cheese cake. If it was just graham crackers and shit, i'd be all over it. Although, i guess that would just make it, i suppose, graham and shit cake.

- Goatweed - 09-01-2003

cream cheese alone is boring and generally sucks.

cream cheese with vegetables is simply amazing - especially on a bagel (toasted, please).

cottage cheese sucks ass no matter how it's presented and/or served.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

so, should i not smear cottage cheese on my ass?

- LyricalGomez - 09-01-2003

Cream Cheese on a poppy seed bagel with fresh chives sprinkles on top is beyond amazing.

Good cup of coffee to go with it of course

- Goatweed - 09-01-2003

yeah, that would be bad - I'd grin and bear it, but it would be bad.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

these are good things to know

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

I tried cottage cheese recently, and i kinda dig it, as long as it's not watery. Just plain with salt seems to be the best.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

i kinda like it with the fruit in it. i always used to think it was gross, but it's not so bad