Why I Love CDiH - by Splat - Printable Version

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- Galt - 09-06-2003

well, except for #8, and Alkey, and porn (though I've never seen it), the others I don't like or don't understand what she means.

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

2. Jack!

- IrishAlkey - 09-06-2003

I say we go on a porn hunt.

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

Galt: quit bein like you are.

13. Galt

- Jack - 09-06-2003

Who is Jack!

- Goatweed - 09-06-2003

Unless jack has it hidden in one of his "special access forums", there doesn't seem to be any porn here.

- IrishAlkey - 09-06-2003

The porn hunt is off?


- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

Yes that's right. Evidently the porn vaults were created for the purpose of luring me back to CDiH, and only I have access.

Sucks to be you.

13. Jack

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

14. The front door's locked.

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

15. Many smilies

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

16. All the great booger jokes

- diceisgod - 09-06-2003

Shut the fuck up already

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

I can't. I'm almost to 700

- crx girl - 09-06-2003

that could be remedied

- Splatterpunk - 09-06-2003

17. The affirming environment

- Goatweed - 09-07-2003

no more?

- Bland - 09-07-2003

I am enjoying this. I think Splatterpunk and I need to form a secret alliance.

- Faceman - 09-07-2003

Bland Wrote:I am enjoying this. I think Splatterpunk and I need to form a secret alliance.
Better not, some people may then think that splatterpunk is arpi too

- Goatweed - 09-07-2003

who's Arpi?

- Splatterpunk - 09-07-2003

No, Goat... there's plenty where that came from. I brim with love for CDiH.