Johnny Depp Signs for 'Fear and Loathing' FollowUp - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 09-20-2003

Quote:That's a post you should kick your own ass over.
Why? Because I don't agree with your opinion of this movie? Personally, I thought it was over-acted and quirky for the sake of being quirky. It is the epitome of drug culture movies that don't get the drug culture, IMO.

I'd rather watch 'Ishtar'.

- GonzoStyle - 09-20-2003

I hated fear and loathing.

Just the whole "don't care" reply was the type of post the old afrika woulda tore up if someone else did it. Remember? "You replied, I win!!!111"

I'm tryin to get back to your roots.

- Splatterpunk - 09-21-2003

I want to lick Johhny Depp's every last dirty inch and be defiled by him irreparably.