ooww my legs - Printable Version

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- IrishAlkey - 12-26-2003

Just admit that was the dumbest thing you've ever written and I'll let it slide.

- HedCold - 12-26-2003

when athletes go to get in shape, they say stuff like "i'm in basketball shape" or "he's not in football shape yet"
granted athletes aren't the smartess people to follow, but i stand by my statement.

- IrishAlkey - 12-26-2003

I shall stalk you and make you cry until you admit it was an awful analogy.

- The Sleeper - 12-26-2003

i second the stalking and making him cry idea

- HedCold - 12-26-2003


- IrishAlkey - 12-26-2003

JackMeHoff was the stupidest name anybody joined under in the two years I was on that site.

- GonzoStyle - 12-26-2003

HedCold Wrote:when athletes go to get in shape, they say stuff like "i'm in basketball shape" or "he's not in football shape yet"
granted athletes aren't the smartess people to follow, but i stand by my statement.
So you are comparing the physical abilities of old people vacuuming to professional basketball and football athletes?

- HedCold - 12-26-2003

yes, my mom is the shaq of vacuuming

- The Sleeper - 12-26-2003

at least athletes get their bitches to do the vacumming.

- GonzoStyle - 12-26-2003

HedCold Wrote:yes, my mom is the shaq of vacuuming
Is she cockeyed too?

- HedCold - 12-26-2003

no, but she complains about her toe

- Jack - 12-26-2003

IrishAlkey Wrote:JackMeHoff was the stupidest name anybody joined under in the two years I was on that site.
Was there some sort of point there?


- The Sleeper - 12-26-2003

that you are lame?

- Galt - 12-26-2003

Always thought that putting "The" in front of your name was quite arrogant.

- The Sleeper - 12-26-2003


- Keyser Soze - 12-27-2003

the vacuuming shape comment was brilliant

- HedCold - 12-27-2003

high five! o/

- Keyser Soze - 12-27-2003
