Can I make Galt Love me? - He just wants to gut me. - Printable Version

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- Splatterpunk - 03-22-2004

Galt Wrote:do you encourage your students to write smiley faces in their prose?

I still don't understand why you think you got the better of me. I don't even see how we got in an argument to even declare a winner.

I don't punch a clock. And I don't work with Gooch, I have no idea where that came from.
"Sodomite" as a term in the bible means resident of Sodom. It does not have any sexual meaning, which was your claim.

And specifically, the biblical term does not mean "fucker of buttholes".

The End.

- HedCold - 03-22-2004

omg bible thumper!

- drusilla - 03-22-2004

Splatterpunk Wrote::-(

How can he be enticed my womanly wiles? Is it possible?
just shut up & bend over like a good girl would

- Splatterpunk - 03-22-2004

I am climbing the walls again. Surely Galt intend this!

See how drusilla tries to help me. I am grateful.

- Splatterpunk - 03-22-2004

I will surely go mad. CDIH will be my ending.

- Luna - 03-22-2004

There is no such thing as a "good" girl. Remember that.

- Galt - 03-22-2004

You have my claim about Sodomy & sodomite backwards, fool.

- Splatterpunk - 03-22-2004

It does not say "butthole fucking, the act:. That is what sodomy is. That is a verb.

"fucker of buttholes" is a noun = SODOMITE and SODOMIZER (my very own personal secret language word) are NOUNS.

Now leave me alone, I already pulled out half of my hair.

- Galt - 03-23-2004

You can't really be a teacher of language and have such a burning innate inability to understand the most simple of statements.

I've attempted to make this as clear as possible. Let me try for the third time.

1. I didn't say that the people in Sodom were called Sodomites because they had anal sex.
2. "Sodomy" is derived from the biblical place
3. Sodomy is NOT anal sex. Sodomy is "unnatural" sex as defined by the bible; meaning anal or oral sex.
4. Sodomites lived in Sodom. Sodomites also performed unnatural sex acts, which among other things, pissed God off.
5. Therefore a sodomite is either a) a person from Sodom or b) a person who partakes in sodomy.

I have explained this now three times, and you have failed to comprehend what I was saying. I have not made any religious proclaimations about what is right or wrong. I have not said that God hated the people in Sodom because they were assfucking.

You have at least three times said that "sodomy" refers to anal sex. It does not. You are wrong. If you are a teacher of the language, one would assume that you would fucking understand it first, windbag.

Edited By Galt on 1080002331

- Arpikarhu - 03-23-2004

Luna Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Luna Wrote:
Splatterpunk Wrote:Galt, COME ON. :poke:

God, I'm a trashy bitch today. I need another shower... I disgust myself with such tomfoolery.
I love you, you dirty thing! :10:
you both should start posting on the dumb broads who are fascinated by shiny things message board.
hooohoooo... it so sucks to be you, doesn't it, Arpi?
i read that and could only shake my head. you truly are an idiot. you make ladi look like Kant.

- diceisgod - 03-23-2004

Quote:I don't punch a clock. And I don't work with Gooch, I have no idea where that came from.
Quote:i read that and could only shake my head. you truly are an idiot. you make ladi look like Kant.

I ain't for sure which statement I like more.

- Goatweed - 03-23-2004

Quote:thousand bucks says I've already got you beat for Best Poster 2004.

yeah, you'd be out a thousand bucks.

- Splatterpunk - 03-23-2004

Galt Wrote:You can't really be a teacher of language and have such a burning innate inability to understand the most simple of statements.

I've attempted to make this as clear as possible. Let me try for the third time.

1. I didn't say that the people in Sodom were called Sodomites because they had anal sex.
2. "Sodomy" is derived from the biblical place
3. Sodomy is NOT anal sex. Sodomy is "unnatural" sex as defined by the bible; meaning anal or oral sex.
4. Sodomites lived in Sodom. Sodomites also performed unnatural sex acts, which among other things, pissed God off.
5. Therefore a sodomite is either a) a person from Sodom or b) a person who partakes in sodomy.

I have explained this now three times, and you have failed to comprehend what I was saying. I have not made any religious proclaimations about what is right or wrong. I have not said that God hated the people in Sodom because they were assfucking.

You have at least three times said that "sodomy" refers to anal sex. It does not. You are wrong. If you are a teacher of the language, one would assume that you would fucking understand it first, windbag.
Sodomy is buttfucking. Use your dictionary.

- HedCold - 03-23-2004

sod·om·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sd-m)
Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse or bestiality.

now go re-read #3

- Mister Grumpy Gills - 03-23-2004

Galt Wrote:I don't punch a clock. And I don't work with Gooch, I have no idea where that came from.
You make the fatboy coffee?

- crx girl - 03-23-2004

Splatterpunk Wrote:
Galt Wrote:You can't really be a teacher of language and have such a burning innate inability to understand the most simple of statements.

I've attempted to make this as clear as possible. Let me try for the third time.

1. I didn't say that the people in Sodom were called Sodomites because they had anal sex.
2. "Sodomy" is derived from the biblical place
3. Sodomy is NOT anal sex. Sodomy is "unnatural" sex as defined by the bible; meaning anal or oral sex.
4. Sodomites lived in Sodom. Sodomites also performed unnatural sex acts, which among other things, pissed God off.
5. Therefore a sodomite is either a) a person from Sodom or b) a person who partakes in sodomy.

I have explained this now three times, and you have failed to comprehend what I was saying. I have not made any religious proclaimations about what is right or wrong. I have not said that God hated the people in Sodom because they were assfucking.

You have at least three times said that "sodomy" refers to anal sex. It does not. You are wrong. If you are a teacher of the language, one would assume that you would fucking understand it first, windbag.
Sodomy is buttfucking. Use your dictionary.
jesus fucking christ

- Splatterpunk - 03-23-2004

The only thing anyone has to do to see you use the term "sodomite" as the proper term -- according to you -- for anal sex is to see your first post in Goatweed's thread.

I am the one who introduced you to the concept of Sodomite as a resident of the biblical city. Again, see same thread for when and how I did so.

In ANY dictionary, sodomy's definition includes anal sex.

- Splatterpunk - 03-23-2004

crx, all you have to do is read the thread. For the confused among us, including Galt.

- Splatterpunk - 03-23-2004

Splatterpunk Wrote:
Galt Wrote:do you encourage your students to write smiley faces in their prose?

I still don't understand why you think you got the better of me. I don't even see how we got in an argument to even declare a winner.

I don't punch a clock. And I don't work with Gooch, I have no idea where that came from.
"Sodomite" as a term in the bible means resident of Sodom. It does not have any sexual meaning, which was your claim.

And specifically, the biblical term does not mean "fucker of buttholes".

The End.
And in case you can't remember my original position on biblical context, I've quoted it for you. This appears at the top of the second page of this thread.

- Splatterpunk - 03-23-2004

HedCold Wrote:sod·om·y ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sd-m)
Any of various forms of sexual intercourse held to be unnatural or abnormal, especially anal intercourse or bestiality.

now go re-read #3
How many more consultants will you require?