Derek Jeter - What happened? - Printable Version

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- IrishAlkey - 05-26-2004

Buy me some peanuts and intercourse!

- Galt - 05-26-2004

and full blown AIDS

- The Jays - 05-29-2004

Keyser Soze Wrote:its the whole tradition, BUY ME SOME PEANUTS AND CRACKER JACKS for christsake!!!
cracker jacks should not be limited to one name brand. Just take a look at how theyve fucked up cracker jacks. They take away the good prizes, and now they serve them in bags. everyone knows cracker jacks refer to carmel covered popcorn and nuts. they dont need a box with the name cracker jack written on it just to remind them how fun it is to eat carmel popcorn at a baseball game.

You're acting just like the Christian psychos who take the Bible literally. "NOOO, YOU MUST BUY CRACKER JACKSĀ®, OR ELSE YOU BLASPHEME!! YOU GO TO HELL!"

btw, this thread has improved Jeter's average by 30 points. Now that I have mentioned it, it will go back down.

- Paper Boy - 05-31-2004

you can all thank me for jeters resurgence as a hitter. i just traded him from my fantasy league. i'm pretty sure williams is going to go on a tear also.

- IrishAlkey - 05-31-2004


- Mister Grumpy Gills - 05-31-2004

i told you not to trade him bandana boy

thank me bitch!