I am too self-aware for drugs - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 10-03-2004

crack hitler Wrote:if you're gonna bring your bass over to play with me you're gonna have to get a lot cooler
yeah, cause you are gonna want at least one cool guy in the band.

- GonzoStyle - 10-03-2004

oh snap!

- Arpikarhu - 10-03-2004

i liked that one too. :bouncer:

- The Sleeper - 10-03-2004

I can't figure out if arpi was calling me cool or just wanted to diss eric

- Arpikarhu - 10-03-2004

The Sleeper Wrote:I can't figure out if arpi was calling me cool or just wanted to diss eric
i dont really believe that you cant figure this out.

- The Sleeper - 10-03-2004

ok maybe it was just wishful thinking, i AM on vicodin

- Arpikarhu - 10-03-2004

The Sleeper Wrote:ok maybe it was just wishful thinking, i AM on vicodin
i will let it slide this time.

- The Sleeper - 10-03-2004

so you don't think i'm cool? Sad

- The Jays - 10-03-2004

Hey Sleeper! Are you on Vicodin? Give me some raisins, my pants are falling up to meet you.

- The Sleeper - 10-03-2004

I'm on my post-Vicodin buzz. It's pretty cool

- The Jays - 10-03-2004

Take another one!

- GonzoStyle - 10-03-2004

Take them all and wash it down with some vodka and then shoot heroin into your ball sack, it'll be awesome.

- The Sleeper - 10-03-2004


- The Jays - 10-03-2004

Gonzo killed Sleeper.

- GonzoStyle - 10-03-2004

I bet he had some fun finally!

- crx girl - 10-03-2004

i think if i wasn't so "self-aware" i wouldn't enjoy the drugs so much.

- GonzoStyle - 10-03-2004

keep on truckin in your non awareness of self, I know I do.

- The Sleeper - 10-03-2004

If anyone is interested, I'd be willing to sell the rest of my stash!

- Mad - 10-03-2004

Did Suzie hack your account, druggie?

- crx girl - 10-04-2004

i'd buy em off ya, but only for medical reasons.

and of course i would only do it if i had a valid prescription because to do otherwise would be terribly illegal