Need some advice - Printable Version

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- Goatweed - 10-09-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:you have a negro cousin?!?!

so much explained with one sentence.
this is a surprise to me also - you learn something new every day!

- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

I thought you people listened when I spoke, I guessed wrong.

- Goatweed - 10-09-2004

I think I would've remembered if you told me that.

- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

I said a 100 times my uncle was black and I had 2 black cousins, one of them moved away years ago tho and I aint seent her in like 10 years.

- Black Lazerus - 10-09-2004

i think you mentioned your black cousin in the fighting seagull story.... and these are the people you forsake my loyalty for......

- Goatweed - 10-09-2004

still doesn't ring a bell, sorry. must be all that weed killin' my brain cells.

I remember the seagull story, though.

- Keyser Soze - 10-09-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:which you obviously want some sort of praise for or you wouldnt have felt the need to tell us.
no, i didnt want to seem like i ignored the request in this thread.

- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

Black Lazerus Wrote:i think you mentioned your black cousin in the fighting seagull story.... and these are the people you forsake my loyalty for......
I shall never doubt you again.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

Keyser Soze Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:which you obviously want some sort of praise for or you wouldnt have felt the need to tell us.
no, i didnt want to seem like i ignored the request in this thread.
ah, so it wasnt praise, you were more concerned with what everyone here thinks of you. a little pathetic, dont you think?

and a little too late to worry about it now as well.

- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

arpi picking an argument with keyser, how refreshing.

3-1 he breaks out "lap dog" by page 3.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

you lose. i wont use lap dog. SHIT!

- Keyser Soze - 10-09-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:which you obviously want some sort of praise for or you wouldnt have felt the need to tell us.
no, i didnt want to seem like i ignored the request in this thread.
ah, so it wasnt praise, you were more concerned with what everyone here thinks of you. a little pathetic, dont you think?

and a little too late to worry about it now as well.
yeah, because i'm sooooo careful about what i say on message boards and how people might think about me.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

Quote:yeah, because i'm sooooo careful about what i say on message boards and how people might think about me.

Quote:no, i didnt want to seem like i ignored the request in this thread.

seems like a contradiction to me.

i will take the second quote i cited as the truth because you wrote it without duress.


- The Sleeper - 10-09-2004


- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:you lose. i wont use lap dog. SHIT!
2-1 on dancing monkey.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

nope. not gonna get me twice. wild horses couldnt drag dancing monkey out of me.
so suck on that!

<span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>crap</span> :-(

- Keyser Soze - 10-09-2004

im not careful. so therefore i might post something positive, or i might post something negative. im a loose fucking cannon!

sometimes im a sweetheart, sometimes im a dick. of course im a contradiction. im fucking human.

- Mad - 10-09-2004

Nice poem.

- GonzoStyle - 10-09-2004

Arpikarhu Wrote:nope. not gonna get me twice. wild horses couldnt drag dancing monkey out of me.
so suck on that!

<span style='font-size:7.5pt;line-height:100%'>crap</span> :-(
even money on lackey.

- Arpikarhu - 10-09-2004

not a chance!