Vote or Die!!! - Printable Version

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- GonzoStyle - 11-01-2004

Quote:This means that ignorance could determine the election. Anyone but Bush is all I hear just like you guys said. Agree or disagree with Bush I think that's a shitty way of looking at the election.

Well in a nutshell thats the whole sad argument.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 11-01-2004

Do you think that the liberals care about this fact or are they so concerned with getting into office they risk ruining elections as we know them?

- GonzoStyle - 11-01-2004

well you can't really come out and say "hey, can the morons stay away from the voting booths on tuesday? thanks".

- GonzoStyle - 11-02-2004

They have a program on CNN right now called "the undecided vote" and its a bunch of potential votes discussing why they are still undecided.

They have a couple senators debating the issues in place of Bush & Kerry.

I'm sorry but if you are still undecided the eve before the election, then you really have no reason to be voting.

- Arpikarhu - 11-02-2004

all of the polls they take are from people who have previously voted. i think the newly registered voter turnout will be huge and that kerry willl win by a bigger margin than anyone has anticipated. not a landslide, but not as close as you think.

- Keyser Soze - 11-02-2004

wow, i agreed with arpi twice today.

- GonzoStyle - 11-02-2004

I honestly have no clue who is gonna win but I don't think it will be by a large margin as far as the number of votes, not electoral votes.

- GonzoStyle - 11-02-2004

I love how the republican just ducked out of the Bin Laden question.

A audience member asked the question on why Bin Laden has not been killed or captured.

He went into the whole "we've captured and killed 3/4's of al quada!!!" schtick.

Then he said "now a man who once flew planes into the financial district on ny is hiding in a cave making home movies!!!"

like he wasnt making tapes prior to 9/11 or in hiding, thats exactly the point fucko, he's still around and still mocking the administration.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2004

every network has pretty much said that the whole hoopla of the youth vote was bullshit, there was a high turnout as expected but the youth vote was exactly the same percentage as it was last election.

Looks like Puffy's got a ton of killing to do.

- crx girl - 11-03-2004


- Goatweed - 11-03-2004

I think these P. Diddy types need to wake up & realize that the youth isn't so much looking up to them & what thery have to say, but more the lifestyles they live (i.e. MTV Cribs).

Entertainers need to stick to entertaining - period.

- Galt - 11-03-2004

I love that the activists like Stern, P-Diddy, Moore,, MTV and all the "get out the vote (FOR KERRY@!!!!!) did get more people to vote, but they were people like Stern and Moore were so confident that they were going to get Kerry to win, that they had so much impact and power over the populace and it just fell flat on their faces.

That it was so obvious that the "independent" get out the vote places like Rock the Vote were so blatantly shills for the Democrats and the greater voter turnout only caused Bush to win by more votes.

I missed Stern this morning, but I'm really looking forward to Moore's spin on how the republicans "stole" the election again and how the 4 million vote margin is all because of Diebold and Jeb Bush putting the fix in.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2004

I'm downloading todays stern show right now, I gotta hear what he had to say.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2004

crx girl Wrote:17%
That was the stat for the 18-29 year olds, funny enough for the 18-24 year olds it was 1 out of 10 who actually voted.

- HedCold - 11-03-2004

does this at least mean i'll get another 300 or 400 on my tax return?

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2004


- HedCold - 11-03-2004

it'll go towards my plane ticket to australia. nothing ever happens in australia.

- Arpikarhu - 11-03-2004

hot chicks and bar fights happen in australia. i know.

- GonzoStyle - 11-03-2004

HedCold Wrote:it'll go towards my plane ticket to australia. nothing ever happens in australia.
Koala bears are soooooo cute, i've wanted one since the first time I saw ford fairlane.

- Goatweed - 11-04-2004

That movie rules.