Show this little guy how much he has to live for.. - Printable Version

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- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Quote:Doodles46: i got booted, did you miss me?
HenryKicksAss324: absoutly, were would i find some one else with a car at this hour
Doodles46: i have my own car
HenryKicksAss324: its almost past my bed time you know
Doodles46: you can drive it before we die if you want
Doodles46: your bedtime doesn't matter, tonight we sleep forever
HenryKicksAss324: dude, rock on
Doodles46: so you want to drive?
HenryKicksAss324: yeah, ummm im not sure i can reach the foot petal thing, oh and can we make a quick stop to pick up some pot, and maybe pick up a guy or 2?
Doodles46: sure we can do whatever would make you happy

- Galt - 08-13-2002

Oh that wacky Arpikarhu and his fake AIM names!!!!!

I tell you, he's the best poster here.

And Danked, you didn't seem very "danked" in that AIM session. You seemed mean and nasty and wanting the kid to kill himself. You didn't even tell him to smoke up and have it all go away.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Is it really Arpi? I'd feel a whole lot less disgusting for this if it was:

Quote:Doodles46: so are you going to let me suck your pussy before you die?

- diceisgod - 08-13-2002

I tried to help out too. I sure hope their gonna be ok.

Quote:deadlaughter2: Go fuck yourself scumbag
HenryKicksAss324: dude....angryness
deadlaughter2: What is this word association?
deadlaughter2: Eat shit and die, dickface.
HenryKicksAss324: umm...ok
HenryKicksAss324: nice talking to you
deadlaughter2: Good...glad I could help.

- Hybrid - 08-13-2002

if it's arpi, i'm impressed. he may have finally found some funny. i doubt it is though.

- Doc - 08-13-2002

Quote:HenryKicksAss324 (9:45:22 PM): you misspelled enema

So is this Slash or K1d?

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Quote:Doodles46: so are you going to let me suck your pussy before you die?
HenryKicksAss324: well im not all that into girls, but why the Hell not. Your at least kinda hot right?
Doodles46: does it really matter? i mean you're going to die anyway, i've never been with a girl before, but little girls seem much hotter....more clean....
Doodles46: we can get guys too
HenryKicksAss324: ones with 9 inch dicks like ron jeremy?
Doodles46: how does a 12 year old know about ron jeremy?
HenryKicksAss324: i found my dads porn stash when i was 4, i've been screwed up ever since
Doodles46: ahh....
Doodles46: well where am i meeting you, you have a lot to do before we die

SOMEONE HELP ME STOP...I have a paper to write.

- Doc - 08-13-2002

Quote:SOMEONE HELP ME STOP...I have a paper to write.

Oh hush up. Your work can wait. Surrealism like this comes along once in a long while

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

Quote:Oh hush up. Your work can wait. Surrealism like this comes along once in a long while

This is too fun to stop.....I can always write my paper at work, and I got out of my second one since I'm doing a recycling job.

- Danked - 08-13-2002

Quote:And Danked, you didn't seem very "danked" in that AIM session. You seemed mean and nasty and wanting the kid to kill himself. You didn't even tell him to smoke up and have it all go away.
Like I told Moron, a hippie can only take so much peace and love before he snaps.

- Galt - 08-13-2002

Arpi.....conspicously absent. Quite possibly because he has 15 AIM chats going on right now. There is no shot in Hell this is real, and this is either him or Seph.

No chance it's random

- Luna - 08-13-2002

You people are scary. :crackhead:

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

I know its not random, but its still fun.....what can I say, I'm easily amused.

- Danked - 08-13-2002

I don't see Seph online anymore. :-(

- HedCold - 08-13-2002

if it was seph he would of mentioned linkin park lyrics by now

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

I'm being ignored. :disappointed:

- Gooch - 08-13-2002

american psycho quote as his AIM description. arpi doesn't talk this inept though. i don't think it's him. i had thought it Ken, but he didn't bite on the Polly/sleep joke

WankFellow: " I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why. My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip."
WankFellow: ?
WankFellow: how trite
HenryKicksAss324: american psycho
WankFellow: ahhh, ok
WankFellow: i thought you really meant it
WankFellow: going for that "psycho" edge as you hit up peeps about suicide
WankFellow: you still there, slappy?
WankFellow: don't bother with doodles...she makes men fall asleep
HenryKicksAss324: dude the message board is like an evil cult
WankFellow: yeah yeah
WankFellow: messageboards in general or just this one in particular
HenryKicksAss324: this one in particular
WankFellow: and...the prob with that?
WankFellow: you know what you need?
WankFellow: a good beating
WankFellow: so, how's it goin, ken.
HenryKicksAss324 signed off at 10:31:19 PM.

Edited By Gooch on Aug. 12 2002 at 10:26

- FNMoron - 08-13-2002

Quote:FN Moron (10:06:49 PM): rotten to the core
HenryKicksAss324 (10:09:04 PM): yeah, im one bad ass 7th grader
FN Moron (10:09:24 PM): plus, people might get confuzed & think you mean Henry Kissinger
HenryKicksAss324 (10:09:43 PM): ewww wouldn't want that to happen
FN Moron (10:10:05 PM): well, you're bad ass enough to talk about killing yourself.... why not prove to everyone you mean business
FN Moron (10:11:25 PM): people would respect you if you followed through with your threats
HenryKicksAss324 (10:14:20 PM): yeah but people don't respect me to begin with so what do i care
FN Moron (10:15:06 PM): well, what have you done to deserve respect... people just don't go giving that stuff away all willy-nilly you know....
FN Moron (10:15:16 PM): you need to earn it
HenryKicksAss324 (10:16:02 PM): yeah, i should kill myself right now, that way eeryone will respect me
FN Moron (10:16:21 PM): bingo.... now you're thinking
FN Moron (10:16:36 PM): wait.... i didn't mean it that way
HenryKicksAss324 (10:17:10 PM): right on, man. thanks for the pep talk
FN Moron (10:17:13 PM): i mean you seem like a good kid..... sadistic & twisted... but good....
HenryKicksAss324 (10:17:30 PM): im go and find me some liquid plumber right now
FN Moron (10:17:35 PM): oh, right.... past your bedtime already
FN Moron (10:17:52 PM): cool..... take pictures... pleeeeeeeeeeease!!!!
FN Moron (10:18:21 PM): send them to GDDanked... i think he's got a crush on you
FN Moron (10:18:49 PM): he digs wacky prepubescent girls.... but then again, don't we all :-D
HenryKicksAss324 (10:19:24 PM): awwwww...
HenryKicksAss324 (10:20:09 PM): and to think my boyfriend cheated on me with my 7 year old sister cause he said i was getting to old
FN Moron (10:20:42 PM): wow.... 7, he's my hero
FN Moron (10:21:24 PM): that sounds like a John Wayne Gacy type thing....
FN Moron (10:21:38 PM): did he wear clown make up when he nailed her?
HenryKicksAss324 (10:22:26 PM): no but he stuck her favorite barbie doll up her butt
HenryKicksAss324 (10:23:11 PM): i was way jealous
FN Moron (10:23:32 PM): i feel your pain
FN Moron (10:23:50 PM): was it the Malibu Barbie?
HenryKicksAss324 (10:25:53 PM): no it was the retarded one, the one that comes with her own wheelchair
FN Moron (10:26:32 PM): oooh.... did he leave her in the wheelchair when he shoved it up her pooper?
FN Moron (10:26:58 PM): i need to party with this guy, he sounds like he could show me a few things...
HenryKicksAss324 (10:26:59 PM): yep, sis hasn't been the same since
FN Moron (10:27:24 PM): how old is your B/F anyway?
HenryKicksAss324 (10:28:30 PM): 36, hes got a really nice daughter shes in my class, i go over their house every once in a while, good times
FN Moron (10:29:01 PM): cool.... so, how old were you when you two first hooked up?
FN Moron (10:29:16 PM): did he touch your naughty place on the first date?
HenryKicksAss324 (10:30:33 PM): he was the chaparone at our second grade field trip, he banged me in the back of the school bus on the way back
HenryKicksAss324 (10:30:39 PM): i can't spell chaparone
FN Moron (10:31:26 PM): it's ok....i won't judge you on spelling... but can you suck a mean weenie?
HenryKicksAss324 (10:32:20 PM): you promise to buy me ice cream after???
FN Moron (10:32:39 PM): i'll but you ice cream before & after
HenryKicksAss324 (10:33:00 PM): yay!

- PollyannaFlower46 - 08-13-2002

I wonder who this is.

- FNMoron - 08-13-2002

Quote:HenryKicksAss324 (10:33:00 PM): yay!
HenryKicksAss324 (10:33:19 PM): your the nicest guyin the whole wide world
FN Moron (10:33:40 PM): i'll even get you a jumbo cone with sprinkles
FN Moron (10:34:06 PM): but you have to make sure you lick up all the stuff that drips off ;-)
HenryKicksAss324 (10:35:09 PM): right
HenryKicksAss324 (10:35:18 PM): good to the last drop is my motto
FN Moron (10:35:30 PM): good for you.... what a trooper
FN Moron (10:35:45 PM): so... what's your favorite position?
FN Moron (10:38:35 PM): hello???? you didn't die did you???? i hate unaswered questions.... :-(
Previous message was not received by HenryKicksAss324 because of error (10:38:35 PM): User HenryKicksAss324 is not available.

FN Moron (10:38:53 PM): hello???? you didn't die did you???? i hate unaswered questions.... :-(
Previous message was not received by HenryKicksAss324 because of error (10:38:54 PM): User HenryKicksAss324 is not available.

FN Moron (10:39:32 PM): hello???? you didn't die did you???? i hate unaswered questions.... :-(
dammit Gooch.... you scared her off....