My daughter's off to college - What advice should i give her? - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

nice status HedCold. :-(

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

i know. Undecided

- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

i almost cried when i read it. :-(

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Don't listen to him Arpi. He asked for it to be changed. He couldn't stand the other one any longer. He said that if he had to be associated with you for even 1 more minute he was going to explode. Then he started clinging to Gonzo.

- Keyser Soze - 08-22-2002

no matter what you tell her, shes gonna do whatever she wants.

just cross your fingers and hope she has some common sense, thats the best you can do.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Oh yeah.. uhm on topic...

Condoms. Yeah... Mail them to her every week.

It can be your weekly care package.
3-4 Condoms: $1.50
Envelope: $.10
Stamp: $.37
Knowing that her daddy cares: Priceless

Edited By Jack on Aug. 22 2002 at 12:06

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

Quote:Don't listen to him Arpi. He asked for it to be changed. He couldn't stand the other one any longer. He said that if he had to be associated with you for even 1 more minute he was going to explode. Then he started clinging to Gonzo.

- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

you do seem to be associating with gonzo alot lately. :-(

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

it is sooo not what you think

- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

the status change says it all i think. i hurt so bad right now

- Jack - 08-22-2002

Don't listen Arpi. He is all wrong for you. I'll be your buddy until you find someone better.

Oh yeah.. OAS... Send the flavored ones every once in a while. She will thank you later.

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

see this is all jacks plan to move in on you. he's trying to sabotage it all.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

I'm just comforting a friend in need.

Quote:I'll be your buddy until you find someone better.

Quit making excuses.

Try the ribbed for her pleasure every other week OAS.

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

[Image: eggplant.jpg]

- The Sleeper - 08-22-2002

ohhhhh snap yo, there's a line hedcold, you just stepped over it.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

So you are siding with Gonzo? I thought you were trying to win Arpi back. Did you not see Gonzo's rant about Eggplants?

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

whaaat. it was just a warning for oas's daughter to stay away from those. duh


- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

i dont feel i can trust you hedcold until i see you revert to your former status. i am going to go cry and write in my journal now.

- Jack - 08-22-2002

:Confusedniff:: :Confusedniff:: I smell backpeddle.

- HedCold - 08-22-2002

but...but...i can't change it. :-(