Breaking news: sean cold goes gaaaaay - Printable Version

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- Ken'sPen - 09-01-2002

I got PM guy sew up tight....
and the old site didn't have PMs.......
so there.....

I was doing fine as MS Paint Guy until El Goocho showed up.

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-01-2002

The worst part about this, I'm branded "creepy stalker guy" by a chick who wants a total stranger to throw her up against a wall, tear her panties off, and fuck her til the cows come home while threatening to kill her.

Give me a dictionary, I need to look up the term "irony".

- GonzoStyle - 09-01-2002


wake up dude, you were snoring.

- Buttmunch - 09-01-2002

Quote:The worst part about this, I'm branded "creepy stalker guy" by a chick who wants a total stranger to throw her up against a wall, tear her panties off, and fuck her til the cows come home while threatening to kill her.

Don't despair big guy!

From my reading of the board, you were branded that a long time ago, most frequently by guys who probably don't have any sexual desire for you at all.

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-01-2002

Quote:From my reading of the board, you were branded that a long time ago, most frequently by guys

Ding ding ding.

Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

- GonzoStyle - 09-01-2002

Paraphrasing is an evil, evil crime.

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-01-2002

Quote:Paraphrasing is an evil, evil crime.

You'd probably get the chair then.

- The Sleeper - 09-01-2002

This is the slowest developing fight ever, pick it up guys, I expect to see this on page 6 by midnight!!

- Ken'sPen - 09-01-2002

Gonzo likes to craft his come backs.....
one doesn't achieve "jerk store" easily.

- GonzoStyle - 09-02-2002

I am not starting a fight, just am astonished that in tenbats mind he is such a pimp who has every girl at his beck and call. Yet no one likes him, it just astonishes me.

Kenneth, I hoped the trip to A/C would calm your nerves, you ok?

- Ken'sPen - 09-02-2002

what in my previous reply would suggest otherwise???
I would suggest a trip to Vegas for you sir,
prostitution is legal there you know....

- The Sleeper - 09-02-2002

Quote:I would suggest a trip to Vegas for you sir,
prostitution is legal there you know....
no, it's legal in certain parts of Nevada, but not Vegas...

- Ken'sPen - 09-02-2002

ok if not legal, then ignored...
you can basically get a girl from the yellow pages to come up to your room.

- GonzoStyle - 09-02-2002

I could do that in NY.

- Ken'sPen - 09-02-2002

I will chip in if it returns the smile to your soul.

- GonzoStyle - 09-02-2002

It has but certain people had to get left out, blame the bouncer. If your name is not on the list please leave or else unicron will commence with crushing mad skulls.

- Ken'sPen - 09-02-2002

Are you pulling an LZ and responding to something 10 replies earlier???

- GonzoStyle - 09-02-2002

I am insulted now.

- Ken'sPen - 09-02-2002

Does Unicron get the flu on fight nights too???

- GonzoStyle - 09-02-2002

I said unicron, not arpi.