Hello, friends in christ - A prayer - Printable Version

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- OAS - 09-09-2002

Quote:So why waste your time debating it?
Because if we didn't debate it, there would be very few reasons for man to go to war against each other. And without war, man would need to find some other reason to wipe his exsistance from the planet.

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:You want to see this in action...go to an engineering school


Quote:People waste too much of their lives looking for "answers" or worse yet "purpose".


1. Procreation.
2. Survival for as long as possible.
3. Being social and interacting positively with others (evolutionary remnant caused by a need to pass on survival information.)

In other words, the goal of life is to live as long as possible while finding a mate and having children (and as much sex as possible) and interacting with good friends regularly.

Eevrything else in life is to serve those three goals. At least that's the way I see it.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

So where does flogigng your dolphin like a monkey on speed come into play?

- Kid Afrika - 09-09-2002

I disagree with the whole "live as long as possible" idea. I don't want to live forever, I just want to enjoy the time I have. I don't want to die thinking that I could've done this differently, or I should've done that this way...

The way I see it, "I've never regretted doing anything as much as I regret the things I haven't done."

Enjoy everyday to the fullest, because there might not be a tomorrow. Hedging your bet is a sucker's way to live. In the end, you can't take it with you.

Leaving a mark on the world? Making a difference in some way? Hey, not all of us were meant to do that. In the mean time, I try to let my family know that I love them and my friends know that I am there when they need me. Above and beyond that, I'm out to squeeze every bit of enjoyment I can out of life, regardless of what activities might bring me enjoyment at any given time. (sitting on the computer for hours on end, for instance)

- crx girl - 09-09-2002

when i went to bed last night this was a nice silly little thread with a few silly little replies, and now you guys have turned it into a big old debate with lots of long replies Rolleyes

Quote:If Christ was nailed to a cross and died on a Friday, WHy did it take a week to rise to heaven
actually, he died on friday, rose from the dead on sunday, then hung out for a month or so, maybe 40 days, they seem to like that number in the bible. then, he ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of god...

- OAS - 09-09-2002

Quote:actually, he died on friday, rose from the dead on sunday, then hung out for a month or so, maybe 40 days, they seem to like that number in the bible. then, he ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of god...

So if it takes that long just to hang with God, even if being his son didn't expedite the process any, then waiting two weeks to get cable installed is no big thing.

- Doc - 09-09-2002

Geez, the Heaven place is harder to get into than Studio 54

- Arthur Dent - 09-09-2002

Quote:Geez, the Heaven place is harder to get into than Studio 54

Didn't think tickets to "Cabaret" were that hard to get.

- Doc - 09-09-2002


- Ken'sPen - 09-09-2002

Moses was a pussy

so there.