Your war is about to start - Any idea who plans on fighting it? - Printable Version

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- OAS - 10-18-2002

Quote:Again much of the war will be from the air where we destroy anything in sight.
Just like we wiped out the Taliban and all of the high level al Quiada?

Is it just me or is anyone else wondering why they never found any large numbers of dead?

- PlasticMan - 10-18-2002

At 25, healthy and educated, I'd probably be prime for a draft, so I think if it came to a draft, I'd try to enlist before my number was called. That would at least give me some choice as to where in the service I went. I do have family, but that's exactly why I would want to fight. For them.

However, I don't believe the Phillipines or Indonesia will become an American war-zone. Not while we've got so many other fires to put out. There is effectively nothing in either place that could hurt American interests. North Korea and Pakistan have nukes, and Iraq is clearly working on it.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-18-2002

My parents are ready to send my brother to Canada.....mother was a hippie and daddy was a draft dodger....guess they're rasising my brother to do the same.

- 84-1034868988 - 10-18-2002

Quote:With our volunteer army so big already,

It's not as big as you think.

As for a mostly air war, you can't occupy a country without ground forces. I know the OPFOR out at FT Irwin is gonna be mighty busy for a while.

- OAS - 10-18-2002

Well Polly, if Mommy and Daddy want to continue getting high and enjoying the freedom to get high, they better let Jr. go and do what needs to be done.

Plastic, we have a huge interest in Indonesia. Indonesia exports a large amount of oil. We also have key military bases there that are needed to keep China in check. Not to mention, the attacks in those regions have been targeted against American, British and Australian citizens.

- 84-1034868988 - 10-18-2002

I've got a baaaad feeling about indonesia and the philipines....

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-18-2002

Quote:Well Polly, if Mommy and Daddy want to continue getting high and enjoying the freedom to get high, they better let Jr. go and do what needs to be done.

Neither of them do drugs, my father never did, he wasn't against the war, he was just a pussy. My father's a hard-core Republican, and my mother is a hard-core Liberal...both have different reasons for not wanting my brother to go, my mother is against the war, and my father is scared for my brother's safety. My brother doesn't want to go because he's scared and doesn't really have any convictions just yet, he's only 18, and not very mature yet...I don't hold it against him...and I know if called to go, he'd go and not go to Canada.

- Kim - 10-18-2002

My father and three of his brothers served our country during Vietnam. Today when coverage is shown of those people who protested the war (or the "conflict" as some would call it) he still gets very angry. He defended our freedom and was willing to die for this country. Those people who left the country like cowards and those who protested should be ashamed of themselves...Every generation of my family has served our country...from WWI Korea etc...If you asked them if they'd do it again they still say yes...

Do I think that war is the answer? No
Do I think that war can be avoided? Yes

We need to make sure that those people we elect to office are making decisions wisely and not doing something with a hidden agenda...If a war is unavoidable I would hope that this country could come together and support our men and women - not protest and whine like crybabies...that is all they need to see on the news is their fellow americans protesting what they're fighting for...

ok enough of that...continue on... Undecided

- Sloatsburgh - 10-18-2002

S0 that's why Polly is so fucked up....

- PollyannaFlower46 - 10-18-2002

You don't know the half of it......... Rolleyes

- OAS - 10-18-2002

Let me put forth a couple of things for you kids to think about. Most of what you hear on the news about military or world crisis issues is half truth at best. To figure out what may really be happening is to piece the surrounding stories together to come up with 95% of the truth.

For example, Why did Bush come out about a year ago and call Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea evil doers? What did he know? Well Iraq and N. Korea are now obvious. Iran is harboring most of al Quiada that fled Afghanistan and Syria is the link that will attack Israel. All of these countries have also supplied terrorists with nasty weapons to unleash on us.

So what will they unleash? During the Anthrax scare, how many of you noticed all the talk coming out of Health and Human Services about smallpox vaccines? Why were we worrying about smallpox when people were dropping dead from anthrax? Why did we crank up manufacturing of smallpox vaccines to the point that every American could get vaccinated? Now who wants to guess what bio weapons Iraq has and has given to the bad guys?

Why did bin Laden attack on 9/11? Did he not know that we would retaliate? Why hasn’t he attacked since? Did he blow his wad all at once? One popular theory is that we never went after him before, so he figured we wouldn’t do it again. As soon as you don’t respect your enemy, you loose. Has anyone wondered why Palestine ratcheted up their attacks on Israel shortly there after? Did bin Laden not know that Israel would isolate and kill 1000’s of Palestinians in response further driving a divide between Arab’s and the west? Do you think he had no idea that the Arab world would not support US actions in the middle east?

And finally, if there was an all out global war bio and some nukes, what society would have no problem living in stone age conditions? If your stuck on that one, look at the chosen lifestyle of the Islamic extremists.

- Stoned Again - 10-18-2002

What is the age to be drafted? If it is under 30, would they pay my mortage for me so my wife and kids could live without me? If the answer to that question is "no", then I would do what ever I could to avoid this war.

I do not support THIS war. When the whole world is tell the USA not to attack, and we need their support on killing Al Quada, I think it is a bad decision to attack.

As far as Iraq having nukes, dont be a fool. That is the picture they want our media to paint. Can anyone in here give me solid proof that Iraq still has a nucleor program? Our main interest in controller the oil politics. We want a governement in place that allows us to controll the natural resources.

If this was purely about Nukes then why wouldnt we be going to war with N.Korea who opening admited to having a HUGE nuke program? Because they dont have oil.

- OAS - 10-18-2002

It's not always about oil. We are not buying Iraqi oil today. N. Korea is strategic from a defense standpoint. We need That region to protect against Russia and China.

Your mortgage would be protected under military relief acts if you couldn't make payments.

Iraq does not have nukes. They have been trying for years to buy the materials with no luck. They do have the delivery capability, no warheads. They do have enough bio weapons to kill a large part of human life on the planet.

- Galt - 10-18-2002

It was three pages and two days ago, but your pissy little comment to me made no fucking sense.

Because I haven't killed anyone, I can't comment on the pussies who ran from the war? I apologize for being born after the thing ended.

The fact that we have an all volunteer army means that it will be filled with people who aren't afraid to fight and know what it takes rather than an army filled with people who get forced into war, don't want to fight, don't have the training, skill, or instinct to fight, and overall just are fucking useless and a detriment to the efforts.

What's the bug up your ass about that point?

If/when there's a war, our army will be better off filled with people who choose to be there, than having to be stuck with people who don't believe if the purpose of war.

Seriously, your reading comprehension is for shit.

- OAS - 10-18-2002

We have never fought a major war without a draft. If you were not old enough then, God bless you. Because you were not old enough then, don't call those who were pussies. I comprehended your comment very clear. Your'e old enough now so you have no excuse.

- Arthur Dent - 10-18-2002

The war has already started!

Quote:We have never fought a major war without a draft.

Gulf War. No draft.

- Mad - 10-18-2002

<table style=filter:glow(color=red)>Major War.</table>

- OAS - 10-18-2002

Quote:Gulf War. No draft.
3 months does not constitute a major war. We also activated more reserves than ever in history.

- Arthur Dent - 10-18-2002

Has anyone mentioned how many members of our standing military need to die before a draft is necessary? I'm sure the Pentagon knows, but have they told the press yet?

- Keyser Soze - 10-18-2002

Galt is a pussy.