my tummy hurts - Printable Version

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- diceisgod - 08-29-2003

You should have drank them and then went jogging.

- GonzoStyle - 08-29-2003

did you make poopies yet? I am worried for you.

- Doc - 08-29-2003

Maybe your body still thinks you're in the clink and it's afraid to make poopies

- diceisgod - 08-29-2003

I just shit. It wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. My body can process garbage pretty efficiently. Next binge will be McDonalds. Guaranteed bowl winder after that.

- Bloody Anus - 08-29-2003

I haven't eaten in 35 hours, but just had to run to the bathroom after farting and feeling a wet spot. Fortunately it was all 100% liquid, so no need for the plunger. I did, however, have to start a load of laundry.

Must've been the AJ and beer.