How Come? - Printable Version

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- The Sleeper - 09-01-2003

cream cheese with the scallions in it or lox pieces rules

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

What is lox? I always hear it, but was never really interested enough to ask.

- The Sleeper - 09-01-2003

its a jewish salmon

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

How can you tell if the salmon is jewish?

- The Sleeper - 09-01-2003

its circumcized, duh

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

Hee hee! Good one, bob hope.

- The Sleeper - 09-01-2003

i think i was more the groucho to your chico.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

do they wear yarmulkas?

- The Sleeper - 09-01-2003

shut up zeppo

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

Ha! She spelled beanie wrong!
I think you were more dean martin to my jerry lewis.

- The Sleeper - 09-01-2003

i used to watch those infomercials for the dean martin roasts constantly.

- crx girl - 09-01-2003

no way, i looked it up

- drusilla - 09-01-2003

i used to like cottage cheese with pineapple when i was a kid

i hate cream cheese. any kind. i won't eat any of it.

- Doc - 09-01-2003

Cream cheese makes me poo like the dickens

I just wanted to share that.

Carry on

- Zootybang - 09-01-2003

What are dickens, and why do they do so much stuff that people copy?

- Doc - 09-02-2003

Isn't that a turtleneck / t-shirt hybrid? Oh, wait, that's a 'dickey'.

Nevermind, my bad

- Goatweed - 09-02-2003

turtlenecks are gay.

- Doc - 09-02-2003

So are people named 'Goatweed'

- Zootybang - 09-02-2003

Oh snap. I bet he thinks yo mamma is fat,too.

- Goatweed - 09-02-2003

she is.