CDiH Prayer Circle - please join hands - Printable Version

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- Jack - 09-13-2003

Splat, will you marry me?

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

Alkey says no.

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

But thanks for asking.

- Bland - 09-13-2003

"Take that you fucking slut!". God, that rocks when I do that!

- IrishAlkey - 09-13-2003

Jack Wrote:Splat, will you marry me?

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

Bland, please do not desecrate the Prayer Circle with your tawdry little anecdotes.

- Bland - 09-13-2003

Sometimes when I am feeling really dirty, I will yell, "Take that you fucking whore!".

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

Dear God,
Perhaps you should put chicken hearts in Bland's mailbox for his offenses.

Splat, reverent

- Bland - 09-13-2003

One time I got biblical with this girl and I knew it was a one time thing, so I yelled,"Take that you slutty whore!". It was awesome!!

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

Bland is Baptist.

- crx girl - 09-13-2003

i like to go to the olive garden once in a while, though usually only while i'm in florida. we went to macaroni grill this time though, they have good bread there.

- Bland - 09-13-2003

I would like to nail you while you are bent over the Olive garden salad bar and yell, "Take that you slut!".

- crx girl - 09-13-2003

that sounds like fun

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

The Olive Garden has no salad bar here. You people suck. I love Macaroni Grill. I want to live there.

- Bland - 09-13-2003

crx girl Wrote:that sounds like fun
Name the Olive garden location and time of your choosing.

- crx girl - 09-13-2003

is there one in the city?

- Splatterpunk - 09-13-2003

You can eat the bacon bits now.

- Bland - 09-13-2003

I think there is one in midtown.

- crx girl - 09-13-2003


- crack hitler - 09-13-2003

broadway and 48th, you kids have fun