Where to masturbate. - SLEEPER IS RIGHT:  YOU ARE ALL WRONG - Printable Version

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- Galt - 01-02-2005

If semen were to never touch my skin for the rest of life, I would never be gay. If I start down the slippery slope of not minding if my own touches me, then at some point, I might not mind if some gets in my mouth or if some other guy's touches me if we're banging the same girl, and then maybe I'd eventually feel comfortable with that, and wouldn't mind if some other guys semen can go in my mouth. Or what the hell? Why not just suck the guy off or let him fuck me in the ass?

I'd rather have a clear black line and never cross it.

- Gooch - 01-02-2005

like not smoking pot b/c it obviously will lead to Heroin.

- drusilla - 01-02-2005

Galt Wrote:If semen were to never touch my skin for the rest of life, I would never be gay. If I start down the slippery slope of not minding if my own touches me, then at some point, I might not mind if some gets in my mouth or if some other guy's touches me if we're banging the same girl, and then maybe I'd eventually feel comfortable with that, and wouldn't mind if some other guys semen can go in my mouth. Or what the hell? Why not just suck the guy off or let him fuck me in the ass?

I'd rather have a clear black line and never cross it.
are you sure you aren't insane?

- Keyser Soze - 01-02-2005

how do you have sex with a woman and not get semen on yourself somehow??? even if you cum inside her with a condom or without, theres still gonna be semen dripping down your cock when you take the condom off, and inevitably down to your balls.

- Galt - 01-02-2005

OK, I may have been exaggerating JUST a bit there.

Sex is good all fluids are fine.

masturbation is shameful and sinful and so I don't want any of the badness touching me.

- Sir O - 01-02-2005

One time this chick jerked my friend off, then she wanted to jerk me off. I told her to use her other hand, her right hand was infected with friend-semen. She said she was no good with her left hand, so I said whatever, I'll just jerk myself off later after everybody goes home.

She then tried to grab my arm with her right hand, but I saw it coming. Later on that night, she did manage to touch me with her cum-soaked paw (she caught me off guard).

Amazingly, I didn't spontaneously combust, so I said fuck it, jerk me the fuck off. And she did.

And I'm still not gay, even after probably having come in indirect contact with another man's semen. Moral of the story: I cum in my own hand, and wash it down the sink. That, or a paper towel. Bloody Anus' sock idea would work if I had my own washer & dryer, but since I live in a complex, I share a laundry room with all my neighbors who might start giving me funny looks after they see me washing a load of crusty yellow socks.

Funny looks suck, therefore my socks are sperm free.

- GonzoStyle - 01-02-2005

Now I am trully fascinated, jerking off into your own hand...

- Arpikarhu - 01-02-2005

my mode of choice

- The Jays - 01-02-2005

jesus christ, were you people raised by christian fundamentalist wackos?

- Black Lazerus - 01-02-2005

galt and sleeper were

- Galt - 01-02-2005

Please, it's well known that the people who were the most repressed growing up and in the weirdest home life have the most fucked up fetishes.

The fact that Sleeper and I are so logical and sanitary is a testemant to the greatness of our parents. You all hate your parents. I bet we're the only ones who aren't children of divorce!

- Gooch - 01-02-2005

neither am i...and i jerk off into a cheap towel. when it gets seedy, it gets thrown out

- Galt - 01-02-2005

yeah, but you eat the love you didn't receive growing up, so there are some other issues at play which caused your deviance

- drusilla - 01-02-2005

Galt Wrote:Please, it's well known that the people who were the most repressed growing up and in the weirdest home life have the most fucked up fetishes.

The fact that Sleeper and I are so logical and sanitary is a testemant to the greatness of our parents. You all hate your parents. I bet we're the only ones who aren't children of divorce!
i don't hate my parents & they don't hate me either. we all get along. i think i am the only one of my friends who is like that.

i'm sorry that i get along with my father. i apologize for the fact that it has made me a well rounded person.

- Galt - 01-02-2005

So it's us three against the rest of them

- Arpikarhu - 01-02-2005

Quote:i apologize for the fact that it has made me a well rounded person.

code words for, "i have a fat ass".

- Black Lazerus - 01-02-2005

every one can't be herion chic like you, skinny.

- drusilla - 01-02-2005

if i wasn't so well rounded, i would run off crying from that comment right now. but see i can laugh at it. HA HA on you!

- Arpikarhu - 01-02-2005

Quote:if i wasn't so well rounded

code words for, "i still have a fat ass".

- Gooch - 01-02-2005

Galt Wrote:yeah, but you eat the love you didn't receive growing up, so there are some other issues at play which caused your deviance

well, at least i don't eat the towel. got to go with the postive things.

Edited By Gooch on 1104698517