The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #3 - Worst Mod - Printable Version

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- The Jays - 01-05-2005

but if Black Laz is de-modded, who's gonna run Section 8??

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005


- Black Lazerus - 01-05-2005

Arpikarhu Wrote:seeing as how laz only shows up for 16 minutes a week , the choice seems obvious.
i don't need to justify my self to you but those who know me know i have had some recent events in my life and in my family that have prevented me from posting.

- TheGMANN - 01-05-2005

Laz brings beer to my house and Sleeper let me sit in his comfy chair.

Sorry HedCold

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005

boo hoo. do your job or get packing. this is just your way of trying to tug the heart strings of the voters.

- TheGMANN - 01-05-2005


what job do they exactly do ?

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005

stop trying to ruin it!!

- Gooch - 01-05-2005

i didn't even know hedcold was a mod before this poll.

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005

shhhh, we are trying to keep it a secret.

- Black Lazerus - 01-05-2005

Arpikarhu Wrote:boo hoo. do your job or get packing. this is just your way of trying to tug the heart strings of the voters.
you are just pissed because you will never be one again

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005

not really. you say that though as if you are one. i see no proof of that. hell, i am pretty surprised to see you here at all. you have become like the appearance of halleys comet

- Black Lazerus - 01-05-2005

well we all know you won't live to see the next one halleys or a modship.

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005

ooooh! you got me there.

not only are you an absent mod but you have also lost what were your already meager posting skills. sad, just sad.

- Black Lazerus - 01-05-2005

i should have just deleted myself then posted under some other name like you.
maybe my new name should be dnalb. because that is so whitty.

- GonzoStyle - 01-05-2005

arpi is such a bitter old coot.

- Danked - 01-05-2005

Coot also means a slaty-black slow-flying bird somewhat resembling a duck.

- Arpikarhu - 01-05-2005

GonzoStyle Wrote:arpi is such a bitter old coot.
whoa! i am bitter? i openly announce my vote for him and my reason and he hit Uber on the bitter scale.

gonzo, reading doesnt count if you do not also comprehend.

- fbd - 01-05-2005

what happens if it ends in a tie?

- Galt - 01-05-2005

well obviously since I nulled my initial vote, then I would make the decision.

- drusilla - 01-05-2005

TheGMANN Wrote:Laz brings beer to my house and Sleeper let me sit in his <s>comfy chair</s> woobie.