The final game thread... - Is it possible? - Printable Version

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- slackjaw - 04-26-2002

Quote:Nope, not a checkmate. A stalemate.

You both have valid points, you're both right. I happen to side with K1d on the fact that I prefer the meatier threads to the games. Too many game threads and you might as well just turn this place into an AOL chatroom (you know the place where I pick up 15 year old girls, hoo hoo).

People will continue to post their game threads, their maynard threads, and their look at me threads and K1d will either continue to try to post debate and thought threads or get fed up and leave.

A tiger does not change its stripes. You can't force people to post the way you want them to. All you can do is post what interests you and hope people want to play along

Again, you reiterate my entire point. Have I at anytime proclaimed to be a proponent of the game threads? No, I think not, I simply stated that they have every right to exist, and that to complain about such threads was useless, and unwarranted. Those who look for the more intellectual threads are welcome to do so. Funny, I don't see the "game threaders" running into the "intellectual" threads crying foul?

- HedCold - 04-26-2002


Edited By HedCold on April 26 2002 at 12:35

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

Quote:Funny, I don't see the "game threaders" running into the "intellectual" threads crying foul?

- Danked - 04-26-2002

No. We just run in and try to dumb everything down for our kind.

- Keyser Soze - 04-26-2002

Quote:to complain about such threads was useless, and unwarranted.

Thats where our paths diverge. I believe that complaining about them is just as valid as them existing. It might be a losing battle but so is trying to find a thread here lately that requires more thought than what did I have for lunch today.

Quote:No. We just run in and try to dumb everything down for our kind.


the chat threaders ruin the substance threads just like kid and I throw in wiseass comments in the chat threads

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 26 2002 at 12:59

- slackjaw - 04-26-2002


I call end game.... check and mate my friends!

- Keyser Soze - 04-26-2002

Quote:I call end game.... check and mate my friends!

you game threaders have to turn all our threads into games don't you!!! Wink

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 26 2002 at 02:10

- Maynard - 04-26-2002

damn, I missed this whole thread.

I'll just sit here and go....

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

DING! :bouncer:

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 04-26-2002

I think that this PBJ Time video is a bit better than the one previously posted. The banana moves around the screen. CLICK HERE

Now for the point of my post. Why can't we all just agree to disagree? Take your own advice everyone and if you don't like it, don't read it. It doesn't sound to hard to me. I post in the game threads sometimes cause it helps pass the time between meaningful threads. I didn't see anywhere on the board that said that every post had to be serious or that every post had to be teh funney or a game or whatever. People come here to have fun. I know that's why I did. But this senseless arguing is reminding me of a previous place I used to frequent. There's my two cents. Here's a reciept for the 40 seconds of your life you just wasted reading it.

- Keyser Soze - 04-26-2002

I don't think you wasted any time reading this. This is the kind of thread I enjoy here, where dissenting opinions are made and issues argued. It doesnt have to be serious, it can be about anything, i'm just looking for discussion not a bunch of dings on a screen with some smiley faces.

The chat threaders will continue to defile the threads i enjoy. Why should they get upset if i throw in wiseass comments in their threads?

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 04-26-2002

There's nothing wrong with discoure Keyser but when people start getting all uppety and start calling names and start threatening and stuff it gets annoying. I will say that I've enjoyed reading just about every thread on this board so far (except the "post a tard" thread, we're all going to rot in hell for that one :burnfucker: ). I really enjoy hearing other people express themselves. It's not about who's right or wrong, it's about discussion. Message boards have another name, forums, and that brings to mind the ancient Greeks. They knew how to have discorse, and I'm sure that they didn't resort to threats and name calling like 4th graders. Why does it always have to be side taking? Why does it always reduce itself to petty crap?

- Keyser Soze - 04-26-2002

Quote:There's nothing wrong with discoure Keyser but when people start getting all uppety and start calling names and start threatening and stuff it gets annoying.

I completely agree.

- onehung - 04-26-2002

Quote:everyone and if you don't like it, don't read it.
Don't you have to read it first to base an opinion on it ?:poke:

- Luna - 04-26-2002


- Lord Magus - 04-26-2002

Quote:Don't you have to read it first to base an opinion on it ?

And therein lies the greatest conundrum

- crx girl - 04-26-2002

the drugstore's finally open, i'm gonna go there, then i'm going to bed

- Grumpy - 04-26-2002

Quote:Let us move forth with pride and valor.


83 bottles of beer on the wall
83 bottles of beer
Chug one down and throw the empty at KID
82 Bottles of beer on the wall....

- Skitchr4u - 04-26-2002

Quote:Why can't we all just agree to disagree? Take your own advice everyone and if you don't like it, don't read it. It doesn't sound to hard to me. I post in the game threads sometimes cause it helps pass the time between meaningful threads. I didn't see anywhere on the board that said that every post had to be serious or that every post had to be teh funney or a game or whatever. People come here to have fun. I know that's why I did.
i agree with the tomato

- Grumpy - 04-26-2002

82 bottles of beer.........

- Metalfan - 04-26-2002

man, I gotta pee