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- HedCold - 04-26-2002

there are people i know from hs or whatever who i occasionally may talk to or hang out with that can be considered friends, but i only have a select few who i talk to daily and open up to. i don't mind not being around groups of large people, and i actually prefer smaller groups of like 2 or 3. to me a more fun night is hanging out with 2 close friends than going to a party.

- Luna - 04-26-2002

Quote:thanks luna, but its still too was only 2 months ago a few days ago...still hurts too much :disappointed:

I totally understand, Vg........I went 9 months before I got another.

- Sluggo - 04-26-2002

2 years over here...
It'll call you when it's time.

- fbd - 04-26-2002

i dont have that many real friends.most people i only talk to because they're in the same classes as me, or we're both in this group, or their locker is near me or something.i can carry on a conversation with them, but i'd defineitly choose other people to hang out with.most of my close friends i've met within the past 3 years, but i've had my best friend for about 5 or 6 years now, and i;ve known her for 12 years.
as for genders, i tend to get closer with girls faster then i do with guys, but the vast majority of my friends are guys

- PollyannaFlower46 - 04-26-2002

I'm only friends with one person from childhood, and I've known her literally my whole life, we've totally grown apart the past few years because she's been in a relationship and only has time to hang out with her boyfriend alone or her boyfriend and other couples...when I'm single, I never see her. It's something I've learned to live with.

As for other friends, I have a very small amount of close friends and a decent sized amount of "friends" who are from school, etc. I don't usually make friends easily, because either I'm shy or I put off a bad vibe which is usually unintentional. I make friends with guys most easily, but as I've gotten older, I've noticed that being close with guys is just as sucky as being close with girls at times.

- NaughtyAngel - 04-27-2002

one of my best friends used to be my brother, but its like i dont know him anymore
i dont see him anymore since i dont live at home
he has changed so much since hanging out with these guys
he has been arrested for posetion of marijuana and today just got arrested again
this really upsets me because its so close to home
i just want my lil bro back

- IrishAlkey - 04-27-2002

I didn't read a word of this thread, and I'm a better person for it. Confusedtupid:

- OAS - 04-27-2002

Fiends come and go and you have to accept it as it happens. For the most part it has little if anything to do with any one thing you did. People evolve in different directions and your interests will change as you evolve. At best you will have one or two lifetime friends that you ccan count on and they can count on you, unconditionally.

- IrishAlkey - 04-27-2002

OAS, you read the whole thing? You must love living on the edge. That was 30 minutes of your ever-so-short time left here with us you'll never get back.

- OAS - 04-27-2002

But I was here with [sob]friends[/sob] or with [/excited]hot women[/excited].
Can't beat that now can you? :bouncer:

- IrishAlkey - 04-27-2002

No. I stayed home last night. {Sad}

- AFDude - 04-27-2002

Just like a few people here, I have some friends that I've grown up with...but as we get older and our lives change, the circle grows smaller. Growing up, all through HS and the first 2 years of college there was a group of 10 of us who always kept in touch..e-mails, phone calls, seeing each other on breaks and the summer. Now that we've all graduated, some are married, and some have just drifted away. I now have 2 very close friends that I've known since we were kids, one guy, one girl. The rest are just casual, hang out friends I've met since joining the military. It's hard to keep friendships intact since we move around so much, and just like Spit, I suck at the long distance thing.

As for all of y'all..though I've spoken to some of you for over a year now, I have yet to meet the best way I could categorize it would be close acquaintances...