Pointless threads - Printable Version

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- Keyser Soze - 08-22-2002

Believe what? Could that have been any more cryptic?

- Maynard - 08-22-2002

It could have been, but only if I tried.

- Arpikarhu - 08-22-2002

i liked the heat miser. i can still sing that song too!

- Gooch - 08-22-2002

once you start hashing out post content and theory, we've gone past what a messageboard is about. Over-analysis, nitpicking, banality, chats, etc...once you start dwelling on shit, or trying to manufacture interest by trying to combat it...just feeds the fire. just my two cents. On the other end of it: just basic decorum and sense dictates that a thread is based on content or subject...and if you make it merely to stroke your own ego or to amuse yourself solely, then it ceases to be anything but mental masterbation. and, some of that masterbation has been in other's threads too.

- Kid Afrika - 08-22-2002

Quote:then it ceases to be anything but mental masterbation. and, some of that masterbation has been in other's threads too.
Sheesh, talk about "Over-analysis, nitpicking, banality". I like when one person makes a casual observation of a thread or threads and subsequently receives quotes and theory ad infinitim(sp?) to prove he or she is wrong.

Not that I think the twinkie-man is wrong, just something I've picked up on.

- crx girl - 08-22-2002

could we just stop all the bickering about threads threads? thanks :thumbs-up: :disappointed:

- GonzoStyle - 08-22-2002

I once started a thread about an eggplant, I didn't think anyone would notice. My keychain told me to do it anyway.

- Ken'sPen - 08-22-2002

Your keychain once tried to convince me to dip my balls in it....
then tried to blame sasquatch for the idea.

- Kid Afrika - 08-22-2002

Quote:could we just stop all the bickering about threads threads?
Some of us enjoy this. Can YOU stop ruining OUR fun?

- Ken'sPen - 08-22-2002

don't talk to her like that Kid.....
that's it, if I ever see you I am going to sneak up and hit you with a bat, then giggle like a little girl.

- Kid Afrika - 08-22-2002

It better be a big bat, and you better have a good swing, otherwise you're going home with the business end of a bat sticking out of your belly and the handle sticking out your ass.

- crx girl - 08-22-2002

Quote:Some of us enjoy this. Can YOU stop ruining OUR fun?
well, i don't, and i've decided that there should only be threads that i enjoy. all future threads are to be submitted to me first for approval... :thumbs-up:

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

No WAY!!! You'll just put extra "U"s in all the threads. :-p

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

Quote:It better be a big bat, and you better have a good swing, otherwise you're going home with the business end of a bat sticking out of your belly and the handle sticking out your ass.
isn't that the ultimate end of all bat wielding bitches???

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

I wouldn't know. I'm neither a bitch, nor am I a wielder of bats.

Perhaps that question is best left for you to answer. fahgit! :poke:

Edited By Kid Afrika on Aug. 22 2002 at 11:03

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

that reply was even honed with an edit???

- Keyser Soze - 08-23-2002

i just find it hilarious that ken is playing knight in shining armor over something so pointless

- Kid Afrika - 08-23-2002

"faghit" didn't seem to have the same "oomph" as "fahgit". Sorry it wasn't up to your standard of lameness, ken's pen.

- Ken'sPen - 08-23-2002

I am not playing knight in shining armor, I am playing Arpi's fag with swinging bat......
let me see your playbill it's all wrong.

- crx girl - 08-23-2002
