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- The Jays - 08-07-2003 what we need is an ideology that represents the society as a whole!

- Keyser Soze - 08-07-2003

but thats against the whole concept of ideology.

- Mad - 08-07-2003

The Jays what we need is an ideology that represents the society as a whole!
Fucking commie.

- Sir O - 08-07-2003

So what ideology represents lying to support war?

- Zootybang - 08-07-2003

It wasn't lying. It was bending the truth.

- Sir O - 08-07-2003

So what is the definition of "is" again?

- Keyser Soze - 08-07-2003

depends whose in charge at the time. i dont think any particular party or affiliation has a monopoly on lying, thats pretty much a given in politics. the ideology of lying in order to gain support for a war seems to be shared by both republicans and democrats in order to suit their own agenda. i say only reps and dems because no other party has been in power in order to be given the chance to lie.

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

Quote:but thats against the whole concept of ideology.

Ya gotta think outside the box. That's what my ideology tells me to do.

Quote:So what ideology represents lying to support war?

Great, more of this shit.

- Sir O - 08-07-2003

Is your mind numb yet?

- Keyser Soze - 08-07-2003

i wouldnt put a label on your ideology or even call your ideology an ideology then. you're a free thinker who doesnt conform to a particular party or affiliation, which in my opinion is a good thing.

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

No, please, give me more of that famous "Bush is a Nazi Oil loving stupid war mongerer" drivel.

Do you enjoy the irony of bashing the president as being dim-witted and stupid by repeating the equally dim-witted and stupid mantras of Bush haters?

- Sir O - 08-07-2003

Where did I say once that he's stupid and dimwitted?

I think he's much more intelligent than people give him credit for. And that's a large part of the problem, because people see him as dumb, he gets away with more than he should be able to. Hence things like the "16 words" fiasco.

And I should point out, you've indirectly violated Godwin's Law.

- Keyser Soze - 08-07-2003

im not a huge fan of the president but i agree that alot of the bashing is fairly mean spirited and rarely based on anything of substance.

however, where are the weapons of mass destruction that bush promised the world? was removing saddam from power a good thing? yes. does it make America safer? probrobly. did it benefit those politically linked to bush through rebuilding contracts, etc. yes.

the main problem i have is that they oversold the war and thus were unable to come back afterwards and be able to prove the claims they made for making their case on going to war.

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

Quote:And I should point out, you've indirectly violated Godwin's Law.

Don't tell me I've violated any laws that I don't no of.

Quote:the main problem i have is that they oversold the war and thus were unable to come back afterwards and be able to prove the claims they made for making their case on going to war.

I never understood this stuff about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction being the case for going to war. I have figured that we had the case to go back to war ready since 98. We didn't need the weapons of mass destruction stuff.

- Sir O - 08-07-2003

Quote:"for bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue - weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on."
-Paul Wolfowitz

So what, then, was the real reason?

- Keyser Soze - 08-07-2003

Thats the problem. They didnt need to use the weapons of mass destruction reason.

Quote:I never understood this stuff about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction being the case for going to war. I have figured that we had the case to go back to war ready since 98. We didn't need the weapons of mass destruction stuff.

Yes, so why did they oversell it, making claims they couldnt prove and paint themselves into the corner?

- The Jays - 08-07-2003

Quote:So what, then, was the real reason?

Iraq breaking the ceasefire agreement.

- diceisgod - 08-07-2003


- Sir O - 08-07-2003

And that's worth 4 Billion dollars a month while the economy is in the shitter, and over 200 American lives (and counting)?

See, here's where it gets really fucking political...where people go into the wording of UN resolutions and what the "consequences" actually are. And so far, not one of the weapons he supposedly still had have been found.

- diceisgod - 08-07-2003
