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- Ahlexus - 04-06-2002

I don't have a job. I have college degrees up the wazoo (a medical term), but no job.

<font color=red>
I don't want to work
I want to bang on the drum all day

[Image: drummer.gif]

- AdolescentMasturbator - 04-06-2002

For those of you who don't know I go to Bergen County Academies(for those who know I expect the shelling now) in the computer academy. Looking to get a DBA pretty damn soon in few months and put them to work.

- Keyser Soze - 04-06-2002

I have a job for that lovely wazoo of yours.

- crx girl - 04-06-2002

i walk around the city and ask people to give me a job. it hasn't worked very well so far Sad

- Ahlexus - 04-06-2002

Why Keyser... [Image: 22.gif]

- OAS - 04-06-2002

CRX what's your hourly rate?

Ahlexus, you turned down that admin position I offered you. You know, the one under my desk.

- Jack - 04-06-2002

I'm the Loss Prevention Manager (aka Inventory Control Coordinator) for a CompUSA store in Michigan. The pay is good but it is worse than accounting. Basically my job is to go out on the sales floor and count certain things to make sure that what our system says we have is what is actually out there. Also I basically am unoficially in charge of all of the stores computer systems. From the AS/400 terminals to the Windows NT4.0 workstations and servers. Think I get any extra pay for that though? hell no. I do my job full time and I also now go to school Full Time at Davenport University where I hope to get a Bachelors in Applied Science. By the time I am done with my degree I should be able to take and pass all the Cisco and MCSE certification tests. (not that I can't already pass most of the MCSE ones.) Also in my spare time (not that there is much) I design web pages.

- Kid Afrika - 04-06-2002

Can you design a sig quote that's less annoying?
[Image: kelso.jpg]

Edited By Kid Afrika on April 05 2002 at 7:58

- Jack - 04-06-2002

Me? Whats so annoying?

Edited By Jack Meehoff on April 05 2002 at 8:00

- Kid Afrika - 04-06-2002

It's like saying to someone, "Hey! Look at this!", and then waving it in such a manner that they couldn't possibly see it.

- Jack - 04-06-2002

Is your resolution at 800x600? Cause I have no problem reading/seeing it at 1024x768. I'll take out the marquee though if it hard to see. I didn't realize that.

- Ahlexus - 04-06-2002

I love teh option to turn off sig pics. It's one of teh best features here ;-)

And OAS, I <font color=blue>did</font> take that Admin position... remember? Surely you haven't forgotten the pic they took for my badge? [Image: groucho-marx.gif]

- Sweet Angel - 04-06-2002

I'm a legal secretary...nothing exciting.

- barch97 - 04-06-2002

Quote:I'm a legal secretary...nothing exciting.
You obviously haven't been having dreams anything at all like mine Big Grin

- Sephiroth - 04-06-2002

Quote:Is your resolution at 800x600? Cause I have no problem reading/seeing it at 1024x768.

If Im not mistaken, Kid runs his resolutuion at 1x1 on all 1024 of his monitors.

- Sluggo - 04-06-2002

<marquee><font size=4 color=red>TEH FUNNEY!!11!!!</font></marquee>

- GonzoStyle - 04-06-2002


I wanna go with sluggo and have him love me like a son.

I'm 99% sure I am gonna go back to school. My biggest obstacle right now if finding a job for the next few years while I do go back to school. Hybrid's offer is mighty tempting, lol. 10 bucks an hour plus tips for doing close to nothing is mighty tempting. Plus I get to hang with the comdeic gold mine that is Hybrid.

am looking into several options. Journalism is one of them since I love writing. Though as some of you may know and see. I have a huge punctuation problem. I can do better when I concentrate, naturally. But writing has always been my forte, with poetry, short stories and essay writing. My communication and speaking skills are also very stong. My strongest point is my creativity and love of making things and creating. Decision and problem solving is also a high point. My worst quality is that I get easily bored when doing something I loathe doing. I do give my best and always try even for shitty pay and an asshole boss who treats me like shit, I will still be a professional.

I mainly need to be around people and interact, this has always been something I need. Cause I feed off people for inspiration for ideas and imporvements and I am a very outgoing person.

Also like I said, I been debating going into television/radio. My cousin does editing work and it's something I've always loved my entire life. With his ties and my friends in the industry I may do well. If I wasn't an egotistical meanie maybe I woulda gotten that internship at WNEW.... hold on..... BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, sorry I couldn't hold it in.

Edited By GonzoStyle on April 06 2002 at 01:10

- Ahlexus - 04-06-2002

Quote:If Im not mistaken, Kid runs his resolutuion at 1x1 on all 1024 of his monitors.

Thsi is teh <font color=red>REAL</font> funney!!

- Arthur Dent - 04-06-2002

I graduated college with about a 2.6 GPA and no work experience in my field. So, for six months after graduation, I couldn't get a job. I had a lot of interviews where I thought I nailed the job only to lose out to someone with a higher GPA and work experience. Very discouraging. I mean, I was well spoken, confident, personable, intelligent, all the things they look for and got a great reaction, but couldn't nail the job. And some of them were really sweet.

So, I found a headhunter that would take a recent college grad. Not easy in engineering. EVERYBODY wants experience. Even the headhunters. But, the headhunter got me an interview with a manufacturing company and I took the job as a temp. For over a year. Liked the job and it was full time, but the pay was below average for my degree, there were no benefits because it was temp, no room for advancement, and my boss had problems with his boss which affected me not getting hired permanent.

The whole time I was looking for something else. Nothing better was coming along.

Then I was talking to a friend and he said there were openings in the company that hired him. So, he gave me a recommendation and handed my resume to his boss. That was my entrance into the world of being a consulting engineer. Unfortunately, the company was being led by a moron of a president, my friend left for greener pastures and I was watching the company fall apart around me.

It was three months later my friend was established at the new company, gave me a recommendation AGAIN, I moved over again, just before the old company completely collapsed.

Now I couldn't be happier. I work with a VERY good friend, a guy I knew from college who graduated a year earlier than me, and a great boss.

So, hang in there. And network with people. It'll work out in the end.

- Mr. Brownstone - 04-07-2002

I just finished my second degree (A.A.S. in nursing) and started working as a Registered Nurse a couple of months ago. I worked as a Patient Care Assosiate - a glorified nurse aid - for three years while I was studying nursing. I also have a B.S. in psychology. Basically, there is a huge nation wide nurse shortage that is projected to last for at least the next twenty years or so, so jobs are just there for the asking if you are qualified. Plus being a male makes you even more in demand. When I was looking for my first RN job I had my pick of any hospital in the city, plus various staffing agencies and out of state hospitals. I got a job at my fist choice hospital. The salary is pretty good for straight out of school. I also work in a local emergeny room on the weekends as an ER tech for a little extra cash. I plan on going back to school for my B.S. in nursing, getting a Master's and becoming a Nurse Practitioner, and maybe eventually med school. If you want to see every every possible human deformity this is the job for you.

EDIT: I worked as a bike messenger for a few years in the mid-90's. That was a kick-ass fun job but kinda rough on the body and sucked the big one in bad weather.

Edited By Mr. Brownstone on April 06 2002 at 7:03