Question time! - Printable Version

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- Galt - 10-14-2002

sorry Maynard. You read before I edited. I thought that you might misread it.

OAS already knew the answer but then acted all high and mighty about it. I still disagree that is the correct answer, but at least you rationalized using your own original thoughts, not merely parroting what someone already told you.

- OAS - 10-14-2002

I know you won't believe it, but I figured that one out before I had the answer in a class. It wasn't the same question, but similar. And the issue is blind people are unable to relate feel and shape to dimension if they regain sight. Conduct an experiment on yourself. Think of an object, close your eyes and trace out the object from memory on a piece of paper. You should come close to tracing it as it looks. If you know someone that is blind, ask them to try the same thing. It will look nothing like the objects actual shape.

- Maynard - 10-14-2002

Oh. :thumbs-up:

- Keyser Soze - 10-14-2002

:::turns blue and faints:::

- Galt - 10-14-2002

actually being able to draw an object they've never seen and making a very educated guess between two objects is completely different.

The question wasn't can they draw it, because (as I already mentioned in the thread) I don't think they'd be able to do, but you let the guy feel two things and then get his sight back and look at them, he'd be able to use the specific differences he felt and pick the right one due to the specific differences that he can see.

- 2 tired 2 give N F - 10-14-2002

Keyser fainted...VG WINS! :bouncer:

- virgingrrl - 10-14-2002

i told you not to hold your breath...i forgot all about it. and the paper is still in my car...

- Hybrid - 10-14-2002


- virgingrrl - 10-14-2002

but its all the way outside monkey fucker <3

- Keyser Soze - 10-14-2002


- virgingrrl - 10-14-2002

if i remember, i will get it later. someone remind me.

- Sloatsburgh - 10-14-2002

It's been 30 minutes.... GO GET IT.

The answer is all based on our perceptions and what we are used to. We are now taught that sex with 12 year old girls is an abomination, but in other cultures, say Pre-Historic man, 12 was a fine age for copulation.

- virgingrrl - 10-14-2002

keep yelling at me and you will NEVER FUCKING GET THEM.

- OAS - 10-14-2002

VG is too busy dildo shopping to get the f'n answer.

- Sloatsburgh - 10-15-2002


:bouncer: <--- VG
:fuckoff: <--- VG's Dildo

- Maynard - 10-15-2002

Maybe we just need Laz to go steal her car and get the paper for us. :disappointed:

- virgingrrl - 10-15-2002

guess what? i was just in my car, saw the paper and said nahhhhh fuck'em and came in side :-D

- Keyser Soze - 10-15-2002

:::rigor mortis setting in:::

- virgingrrl - 10-15-2002

hee hee keyser is getting hard hee hee

- Hybrid - 10-15-2002
