The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #3 - Worst Mod - Printable Version

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- Galt - 01-05-2005

I think the purpose of a mod is to come up with witty statuses and efficiently move threads to the proper forum. You serve absolutely no other purpose.

- The Sleeper - 01-05-2005

yea that's the only real function a mod serves here. any "controlling" is unnecessary

- The Sleeper - 01-05-2005

that was in response to keyser

- Galt - 01-05-2005

The Sleeper Wrote:that was in response to keyser
that's why there's a quote button Baron Von Lazyekenstein

- fbd - 01-05-2005

or the edit button

- HedCold - 01-05-2005

The Sleeper Wrote:yea that's the only real function a mod serves here. any "controlling" is unnecessary
and to make clickable links

- Gooch - 01-05-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:
Quote:well..part of modding is being viewed as a positive more than a negative by perception is an issue.

i tend to think thats the old philosophy. i think its about who can generate the most activity.
actually...perception is still an issue, ultimately...but i totally agree on generating the most activity.

on it was more important in certain respects b/c it was to placate a public base.

- Keyser Soze - 01-05-2005

while i agree with sleeper and galt, i think the moderators should take up some of the responsibility of generating interest and getting people to post.

- Bland - 01-05-2005

i hate to agree with arpifag but laz sucks balls at being a mod. plus he fights like a woman.

- The Jays - 01-06-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:while i agree with sleeper and galt, i think the moderators should take up some of the responsibility of generating interest and getting people to post.
I agree with this also; ability to generate interest was my sole factor in who I chose to vote for.

- Arpikarhu - 01-06-2005

well it seems that most people agree with my assessment. laz generates no interest.

- Kid Afrika - 01-06-2005

Keyser Soze Wrote:
Quote:well..part of modding is being viewed as a positive more than a negative by perception is an issue.

i tend to think thats the old philosophy. i think its about who can generate the most activity.
By that logic...

Bah! Who am I kidding?

- Arpikarhu - 01-06-2005


- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

Great reply, K1d! [Image: appl.gif]

- Kid Afrika - 01-06-2005

Isn't hotlinking against board policy?

And although that was pretty funny, you're still a dick.

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

Thanks for the compliment, K1d! [Image: appl.gif]

- lush - 01-06-2005

Someone IMed me before complaining about his votes and then I told him that I voted for him too. I think he thinks i'm a racist now.
Whoops, I revealed that someone.

- Arpikarhu - 01-06-2005

he will try to rationalize any way he can in order to avoid the truth that he is unloved and considered a shitty mod.

- Gooch - 01-06-2005

Russian white men can be bitchy

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

Everyone hide your Samsonite luggage.

He's pissed.