Let's save trish....... - Printable Version

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- fbd - 08-27-2002

can i be gameboy?

- IrishAlkey - 08-27-2002

I'm R.O.B.

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

FBD= Gameboy Advanced.

- GonzoStyle - 08-27-2002

Quote:and what do you need Gonzy?

Nothing more than to watch the Pimp that K1d is, show you all about playing, playa.

Alkey - PS2
Afrika - XBox
fdblingfrg - gameboy
Gonzo - 8-bit Nintendo
Ken - ColecoVision

- crx girl - 08-27-2002

so, what am i?

- The Sleeper - 08-27-2002

[Image: pong.gif]

- Sloatsburgh - 08-27-2002

Has anyone asked Silera to tell her story of how she jumped the fence?

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

Quote:Nothing more than to watch the Pimp that K1d is, show you all about playing, playa.

For all of you keeping score of Gonzo's musical chairs..... Kid is now back in favor......

Gonzo just drop all your agendas and try posting for fun and enjoyment.

Gonzo = Dreamcast....Cut through the hype and fanfare, and you are left with a big loser.

Edited By Ken'sPen on Aug. 27 2002 at 10:34

- fbd - 08-27-2002

gonzo=snes. old calssic, sill great

ken=jaguar. flash in the pan, over fast

- Ken'sPen - 08-27-2002

fbd you are starting to stretch, I think the game system analogies are just about done now.

- fbd - 08-27-2002

ok...they're gone

- Tenbatsuzen - 08-27-2002

I'm original Gameboy. Just wouldn't die.

Can we deport K1d back to Africa?

I mean, at least in Zimbabwe he won't complain about being oppressed and he could catch Ebola. It's a win win situation.

- Ken'sPen - 09-01-2002

So how much longer do we get to keep ya trish???

- crx girl - 09-01-2002

i dunno, forever if they'll let me :burnfucker: :rofl:

- Tenbatsuzen - 09-01-2002

Hell, we still show Benny Hill late at night, why wouldn't we keep you around? Smile

- Danked - 09-02-2002

Quote:Hell, we still show Benny Hill late at night,

- drusilla - 09-02-2002

oh shit, i saw you yesterday & totally forgot to ask you how that went.

are you staying or what?

- crx girl - 09-03-2002

i'm staying, for now...

- DGW - 09-03-2002

you do want to stay right?
sounds like a sucky situation to be in
hope all worx out for the best :thumbs-up: