The 3rd Annual CDIH Year End Awards - Category #3 - Worst Mod - Printable Version

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- Arpikarhu - 01-06-2005

my campaign of hate is turning out quite nicely.

- HollywoodJewMoses - 01-06-2005

patrick : good one with the clapping

- Black Lazerus - 01-06-2005

yes cause i care if you love me, come on you can't be serious.

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

You totally care, Kong.

- Arpikarhu - 01-06-2005

your anger and disappointment is palpable.

- Black Lazerus - 01-06-2005

So alkey, when's the wedding?

- Arpikarhu - 01-06-2005

he tries to change the subject and fails!!

- Black Lazerus - 01-06-2005

yes i guess i am done generating interest in this thread ttfn

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

I'd prefer to raise a bastard.

- Gooch - 01-06-2005

you couldn't even generate a cotton gin

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

I'm gonna' have to let that one sink in...

I'll get back to you.

- Kid Afrika - 01-06-2005

Wow, you were really reaching with that one. I'm afraid it failed to connect.

- The Jays - 01-06-2005

That almost worked; verb doesn't work in that sentance though,

- Gooch - 01-06-2005

((goes back to lab))

Edited By Gooch on 1104974232

- Black Lazerus - 01-06-2005

Gooch Wrote:you couldn't even generate a cotton gin
when are you going to generate some funny?

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

Score one for the shadow!

- The Jays - 01-06-2005

I believe only people who make cotton gins could actually generate a cotton gin.

- Black Lazerus - 01-06-2005

IrishAlkey Wrote:I'd prefer to raise a bastard.
[gooch]well at least the kid will take after it's parents.[/gooch]

- IrishAlkey - 01-06-2005

So, technically Gooch was right.

It just had nothing to do with what we were discussing and was devoid of all humor no matter which galaxy you may be a resident of...

- Black Lazerus - 01-06-2005

or what PLANET!!!! LOL