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- The Jays - 09-03-2005

While humans beings were dying on the street, guns being shot at transports, food sitting in cargo bays because the President had to make a mock showing of him viewing the damage, most of us in America remain glued to tv sets, or surfing the web, getting as much data about the situation from real point of views.

The neo-cons have no answer for this. They blame the black people and the poor for being too dumb to escape, and being too black to comprehend peaceful co-existance. They call them in New Orleans "animals".

What is wrong with our country? Why do senators and former presidents feel the need to pat each other on the back, and take verbal handjobs from the female senator of Lousiana, Mary Landrieu? Why do why need media people to lash back at them and say "HEY. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DO SOMETHING, YOU FUCKING CUNT!"

That's right. You heard it hear first. Mary Landrieu is a fucking cunt.

I don't use the cunt word often, since cunt is a really, really horrible word.


Just saying it, go ahead, say it out loud.


Doesn't it feel so wrong?

Imagine, now, the disgust, and feeling of anger that must be rushing through the blood in order to make such a word vocal, and load.


We are divided in this country, between country and cuntry.

The country is made up of hard working real Americans, who known what's best for themselves and for others.

The cuntry is the established gentry of our federal , state, and city governments, who regulat our lives so much that we cannot handle the beauracracy it takes to get shit done.

FEMA seems to think that, just because it was able to show up just at the same moment that REAL countrymen were pulling up steel trusses and dousing fires on 9/11, that they somehow know how to deal with tragic emergency.

They can't, and they dont. FEMA is a bunch of cunts.

Georgre Bush is more focused on his vacation time and figuring out Iraq that he, THE EXECUTIVE BRNACH OF GOVERNMENT, couyldn't get this shit together on time, on time being 5 fucking days ago.

We can get fucking oil pipelines back up and running amidst gunfire and sabotage within days, yet we can't figure out how to get emergency oil construction going on in the Gulf?

George Bush is a fucking cunt.

You sucked at being the owner of the Rangers, and now you suck at being the owner of all our oil.

Your fucking Vice President is head of the biggest oil construction company in the fucking US! You couldn't have him roll some heads at 5am, YOU FUCKING CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Senator Hilary Clinton, cunt. Investigations into price gouging does not stop the fact that we don't have the oil.

Senator Chuck Schumer, cunt. No one cares right now that New York got attacked on 9/11, so stop bringing it up.

Compared to the scale of failure that is now The Battle for New Orleans, where a thriving city a week ago was turned into Basra, the failures of 9/11 seem like a paper jam on the office copier.

That's how bad it is. I can see it live on camera. Buildings are burning that should not be burning, a week after the storm hit. There is no housing in place. The corporations don't give a shit. No one seems to give a shit.

You know, sometimes, there's a reason people shot guns, why people become mobs. It's not because New Orleans is a statistically high crime ridden city. It's because people let it happen. When no one has the balls to take responsibility, then no one is willing to recognize the truth, and that's why they shoot at you.

You can't tap the government on the shoulder to get their attention anymore. You have to hit them in the head with a sledghammer.

And quit with this shit about the GOP trying to get Rudy G oin top of the situation. We see right through it, it's a political ploy to groom Rudy for the White House in 2008.

It won't work.


Because I am proposing the following.


To All Elected Officials Within the United States Federal Government:

Due to your lack of ability and interest in the Citizens of the United States of America, be now informed that your current terms in office shall be your last.

I am encouraging all United States citizens to vote out all governement officials who were in office during the terrible tragedy that occured on the Gulf Coast because of Hurricane Katrina.

This is not an attack against Democrats, Republicans, or Independents, rather, a referendum on the state of the US government.

During the past five years, we have watched terrorists hijack planes and smash them into buildings. We have watched a space shuttle fall to pieces and burn up in the sky. We have now followed the terrible conflict in Iraq for almost three years. THe South has already been battered with hurricanes during the last year. And now, with the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, the ineptitude of the US government has peaked.

We cannot let our government become any dumber than it already is.

Therefore, for the next six years, I encourage full support of all candidates for national office who are not currently incumbant.

Thank you.


The Jays

- Galt - 09-03-2005

shouldn't you be mad at Nature instead?

- Arpikarhu - 09-03-2005

nature doesnt satisfy his teen angst

- Black Lazerus - 09-03-2005

Plus "It's not nice to mess with Mother Nature!"

- Mad - 09-03-2005

She's a CUNT.

However, what Jays wrote was truthful and to the point.

- Galt - 09-04-2005

"The government is doing a horrible job about this hurricane!"
"Because people are dying!"
"Well, how was the government supposed to stop a category 5 hurricane?"
"Well, I don't know, but they should be doing something now!"
"Like what?"
"I don't know, but they didn't do enough"
"Well, what should they have done?"
"That's not the point, I don't know, but they should have done something! Like have the national guard not in Iraq"
"So, really, you're just using this hurricane as an excuse to complain about the war?"
"They shouldn't be there!"
"Yeah, but every war, every skirmish, every everything, you are against it. You basically never feel the US should deploy troops anywhere, for any reason whatsoever."

- Bloody Anus - 09-04-2005

"The government is doing a horrible job about this hurricane!"
"Because people are dying!"
"Well, how was the government supposed to stop a category 5 hurricane?"
"They can't. But at least they can help the innocent people trapped there."
"Those people had 3 days' notice of this storm? Isn't that enough time to get out?"
"Yeah, but some people just don't have the resources to leave town that quickly"
"Well then they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell!"
"That's a horrible thing to say."
"Maybe, but it's called survival of the fittest. If you can't escape, then you will die. It's just a matter of simple logic; nothing more."
"But what about the elderly, and the infants?"
"Not fit to survive. It's 'god's' way of saying fuck you to the red states"
"But I'm a Christian!"
"Go fuck your mom!"

- The Jays - 09-04-2005

Galt, if you honestly say that the governemnt is doing a good job, then Arpi is truely correct about you.

Did you see that video? The government officials wouldn't let anyone leave the Superdome or the Convention Center! They couldn't even walk away.

They had loads and loads of buses that they could have deployed before the hurricane, and instead, they sat and got flooded.

How can you possiblely say they didn't see this fucking thing coming? It was a Cat 1 when it hit Florida. Every meteorologist on the fucking planet predicted this thing would intensify and be a threat to New Orleans if it went into the Gulf. It was a Category 4 storm days before it hit land. They knew that the levee would only stand a Cat 3. And no one did anything fast enough.

These people had no fucking choice to leave. If they were going to stay, they were to stay at the Superdome and the convention center. And no one came by to help them.

You can't stop a Cat 5 storm. You CAN stop letting people sit in their own piss and shit, with dead bodies arouind them, and not get them food or water. It's not the hurricane that's killed people, douchebag. People are dying because Bush, THE FUCKING EXECUTIVE BRANCH, didn't muster shit up faster. He could have been getting areas declared states of emergency and been sending troops down there on Sunday. Get buses going for people to go to Texas. The Superdome was fucking damaged! How long are you going to let people stay in a damaged, unsafe building??? We should have been airlifting them out of there 6 days ago!

Try to spin your pro-Bush crap again,. and I'll find you and fucking kill you.

- The Sleeper - 09-04-2005

Galt, stop being a contrarian just for the hell of it.

- Galt - 09-04-2005

A. I never voted for Bush.
B. I have already said in this thread that I haven't watched any of the coverage (not that I'm wouldn't if I could have, I was just working until midnight all the past week and didn't see it) and therefore have not been following the hurricane.
C. My point was that what little I have seen is complaining about how the government is doing a horrible job, yet no one is saying what they should be doing, other than turning hundreds of thousands of people on a dime and shifting trillions of dollars of funding in a day or two. It's like when Donald Trump walks around The Apprentice and says "work faster" and "time is money"
D. I've also seen the connection to Iraq made ad nauseum, like it was some "talking points" memo that got sent around, which is just foolish.

If this disaster hit any other place in the country, it would not have been nearly as bad. The majority of the problem was caused by not addressing it before the hurricane hit moreso than not doing enough fast enough after it did.

And I have no qualms about blaming the government for not addressing the issue beforehand when everyone knew New Orleans was ill-equipped to handle a hurricane of this magnitude

- The Sleeper - 09-04-2005

My point was that what little I have seen is complaining about how the government is doing a horrible job, yet no one is saying what they should be doing

go to <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> and watch the clip of shepard smith and geraldo on hannity and colmes. the government is basically holding people there to rot to death cause there is no leadership there to tell them what they actually should do.

- The Sleeper - 09-04-2005

they are also not letting the red cross and lots of paramedics in there for some bullshit bureaucratic reasons

- The Jays - 09-04-2005

Galt Wrote:A. I never voted for Bush.
B. I have already said in this thread that I haven't watched any of the coverage (not that I'm wouldn't if I could have, I was just working until midnight all the past week and didn't see it) and therefore have not been following the hurricane.
C. My point was that what little I have seen is complaining about how the government is doing a horrible job, yet no one is saying what they should be doing, other than turning hundreds of thousands of people on a dime and shifting trillions of dollars of funding in a day or two. It's like when Donald Trump walks around The Apprentice and says "work faster" and "time is money"
D. I've also seen the connection to Iraq made ad nauseum, like it was some "talking points" memo that got sent around, which is just foolish.

If this disaster hit any other place in the country, it would not have been nearly as bad. The majority of the problem was caused by not addressing it before the hurricane hit moreso than not doing enough fast enough after it did.

And I have no qualms about blaming the government for not addressing the issue beforehand when everyone knew New Orleans was ill-equipped to handle a hurricane of this magnitude
A.) You are always the only person to be like "hey guys, you're all just Bush bashing because you can't understand how brilliant a job he's doing, you pathetic poor people.."
B.) Fuck television, and fuck coverage. You've clearly been surfing the web most of the time, you can't tell me you haven't seen video of the most craziest shit ever, nor taken a glance at the sites that Sir O called out. That's all the real coverage you need. If you've read this thread at all, and just clicked on the links, you would know everything you need to know.


D.) The connection to Iraq is vague. One is that New Orleans is poor, and all the soldiers are poor, therefore, George Bush doesn't care about the lives of poor people. Of course, the real point is that the New Orleans-Iraq connection is not necessary to validate the very real fact that George Bush does not really care about the lives of his citizens.

Mary Landrieu proposed today that George Bush create a Cabinet level position specifically to deal with Katrina Damage.

This, of course is stupid, because we already have two people who can, and are supposed to, handle the responsibility of federal emergency. One is the cabinet level position of Homeland Security, which absorbed FEMA, and the other is the guy who used to have the job, THE FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. THAT'S ONE OF HIS JOBS. TO EXECUTE AND MAKE SURE SHIT IS TAKEN PLACE.

George Bush, as President, is the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard, State Police, Park Ranger, And Local Police all rolled up into one. If he says it needs to happen, it fucking oughta happen. If it doesn't, it is his fault. If it doesn't happen in a goiod timeframe, it's his fault.

When the fuck did this thread start? If we've known, and been tracking, just how powerful this hurricane would be, how come the President couldn't get the emergency crew, and armed troops in there fast enough? That's his fucking job. To protect and preserve life, liberty, and property. And what has he allowed to happen in the Gulf Coast under his watch? He let people die, he didn't let them leave, and he didn't bring in any troops to stop people from stealing other people's property.

- HedCold - 09-04-2005

How SHOULD a President Respond to Impending Disaster

In September 1999, Hurricane Floyd -- a category 3 -- was bearing down the Carolinas and Virginia.

President Clinton was in Christchurch, New Zealand - meeting with President Jiang of China (you know, actually working). He made the proclamation that only Presidents can make and declared the areas affected by Floyd "Federal Disaster Areas" so the National Guard and Military can begin to mobilize. Then he cut short his meetings overseas and flew home to coordinate the rescue efforts. This all one day BEFORE a Cat-3 hit the coast. That is how you do it.

How about this dope's own father during Hurricane Andrew? Once again, President Bush (41) -- August, 1992 -- was in the midst of a brutal campaign for re-election. Yet, he cut off his campaigning the day before and went to Washington where he martialed the largest military operation on US soil in history. He sent in 7,000 National Guard and 22,000 regular military personnel, and all the gear to begin the clean up within hours after Andrew passed through Florida. 'Cause, you know, those people and their stuff was actually where it belonged, rather than being used for insurgent target-practice halfway around the world in a vain effort to make Iraq safe for Iranian takeover.

In August of 1969 when Cat-5 Hurricane Camille hit roughly the same area as Katrina, President Nixon had already readied the National Guard and ordered all Gulf rescue vessels and equipment from Tampa and Houston to follow the Hurricane in. There were over 1,000 regular military with two dozen helicopters to assist the Coast Guard and National Guard within hours after the skies cleared.

Bush 43 - August 2005 - Cat-5 Hurricane Katrina bears down on New Orleans and the Mississippi gulf. Both states are down nearly 8,000 National Guard troops because they are in Iraq -- with most of the rescue gear needed. Bush is on vacation. The day before Katrina makes landfall, Bush rides his bike for two hours. The day she hits, he goes to Johnnie McCain's birthday party; and lies to old people about the multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical company welfare boondoggle. People are dying, the largest port of entry in the United States (and fifth largest in the World) is under attack. Troops and supplies are desperately needed. The levees are cracking and the emergency 1-1/2 ton sandbags are ready, but there aren't enough helicopters or pilots to set them before the levees fail. The mayor of New Orleans begs for Federal coordination, but there is none, and the sandbagging never gets done. So Bush -- naturally -- goes to San Diego to play guitar with country singer and lie to the military about how Iraq is just exactly like WWII. The levees give way, filling New Orleans with water, sewage, oil and chemicals. Ten percent of all US exports, and 50% of all agricultural exports ordinarly go through this port. It is totally destroyed. Bush decides he'll end his vacation a couple of days early -- TOMORROW --BECAUSE HE HAS TICKETS TO A PADRES GAME! He goes back to the Fake Farm in Crawford, with every intention of doing something on WEDNESDAY about this disaster that happened starting last Sunday night.

- The Sleeper - 09-04-2005

yea it's hilarious how galt always takes the contrarian postion and then falls back on "I didn't vote for bush"

- The Jays - 09-04-2005

Galt, just go back to work, cause you've been beat.

- The Jays - 09-04-2005

Galt Wrote:Lock them inside the town walls and let them all die.
Oh, no wonder why Galt doesn't mind that these people died.

- The Jays - 09-04-2005

Mother fucking Jack Hanna is down there saving animals. Bill Frist is ripping people chests open. That's how a mother fucker leads.

George Bush oughta be down there in the muck, directing traffic, or pumping gas.

And you know what? I bet one of the reasons the terrorists chose September 11th is because of the United States hurricane season, and has seen that we divert, and dilute, our emergency responders, so, they planned for a late summer attack because our the possibility of striking leathal blows to our economy.

WE bettter be on our fucking toes right now for a terrorist attack.

- Arpikarhu - 09-04-2005

The Sleeper Wrote:yea it's hilarious how galt always takes the contrarian postion and then falls back on "I didn't vote for bush"
he also likes to use , " i dont know it therefore it must suck", and "you like that? i am way too cool to like that, therefore, you suck".

he likes those alot.

- Sir O - 09-04-2005

The Riverwalk may be on fire (shopping mall at the river at end of CBD/Quarter). Everytime we talk to the police, we hear about sniper fire at the fire scenes. I cannot confirm that there is any. This is all hearsay, but it's coming from the police. The police we talk to, while consistent about claiming there is sniper fire, are conflicted about whether it's police sniper fire trying to take out arsonists or criminal sniper fire trying to take out police and fire rescue teams. Again, this is rumor for now, but we're hearing a lot of this rumor.

Now this is something that requires tact, and I do not have much experience with reporting, but I think the world needs to know how overwhelmed the police are out here: I have reports from 3 different police sources that 2 police officers have committed suicide. Out of respect for their families, I will not name them or go into detail. Truly tragic how bad things are. I sincerely hope I did the right thing in reporting this.

The 3 guys you just saw on webcam are Jeff and Hank of Data Protection Services (one of our customers who swore to their customers that they would not go down because of this storm), and Doctor Tom, an anesthesiologist. These three men heroically found a way to deliver us fuel and supplies into this disaster zone. I say heroically, because the amount of effort it took them to coordinate a way to get a container and fuel and a route in to the city in the face of persistent danger on the streets was absolutely off the charts. Their customers need to know the lengths that these men went to in order to get the job done. I listened to their accounts and I was absolutely impressed by the initiative and resourcefulness of these guys. Their story will be forthcoming on my blog sometime in the coming weeks when this is all over. For now, I want to thank these men in front of the whole world for the service they just performed.

Quote:The city is starting to feel more secure now. Much larger military and Homeland Security presence and many fewer civilians left. Of course with this added security comes additional dangers like hyper-suspicious, armed authorities. If you watch the cam or walk the streets, you see that almost every civilian is approached, evaluated for threat potential, then either patted down or left alone. The disconcerting thing is that these authorities always have their guns at the ready and look like they're enjoying intimidating the people. Two of us have already had guns aimed at us by police -- Brian by the Federal Cops guarding the Boggs Federal building while we were waiting for the resupply, and me when we were delivering the router to City Hall.

Don't get me wrong, some guys are more professional than others. You can tell the ones who took the job because they wanted to bullies and who took the job to protect and serve. That's one thing a catastrophic situation does -- it sifts people's true personalities out.

Nevertheless, aside from the arson, I think that generally it's much safer today than yesterday.

Ok, now I've got some down time so I'll try to answer your IMs and hit the IRC chat.

Jays (or anyone), wanna hang out in Manhattan next weekend and have a few beers? PM me...