HI.. - New Here - Printable Version

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- DGW - 12-31-2002

so what board is it from

- Ronin - 12-31-2002

Quote:first Magoo posts Ronin get in on the act
sorry, i took the shortcut and only read the last two pages. the first page itself was boring. why would i read all 6 pages? And where is Mr. Magoo? Oh that Mr. Magoo, he's always getting in trouble.

it, it, it.. why doesn't it just crawl under a rock and eat itself?

- Metalfan - 12-31-2002

Will it go away at midnight?

Happy New Year to you as well, Luna :banana:

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

doors board

- Metalfan - 12-31-2002

who the F forgot to close the door to keep IT trapped ova there now?

- DGW - 12-31-2002

so it comes here to entertain us

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

Indians are better then Suzuki

- Ronin - 12-31-2002


[Image: ec0102wdsf_pocket.gif]

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

You got to get in to get out...

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002


- Luna - 12-31-2002

For the record, I invited Dot (Snowball) here. She's a very good egg and an admin. on another board I frequent.

:loveya:, Dot.


- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

*bows* thank you Luna... we all just love Luna..


- DGW - 12-31-2002

it came in
it doesn't seem to want to leave

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

I am not leaving..... get used to IT DGW


- DGW - 12-31-2002

it can drop the D, GW is fine

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

*drops* the D


- IrishAlkey - 12-31-2002

His D is heavy.

I often drop it.

- snowballschanceinhell - 12-31-2002

does it break?

- DGW - 12-31-2002

it doesn't break
but it bendz

pat's a whore!

- Danked - 12-31-2002


That old gag.... Rolleyes