The "War" on Christianity - Printable Version

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The "War" on Christianity - The Jays - 12-08-2005

Henry Ford, in 1922, publishes "The International Jew", and has it given freely to his factory workers.

In Chapter 7, he discusses the Jews and their war on Christianity.


Previous to the formation of the Kehillah and the Jewish Committee, this sort of attack on the rights of Americans was sporadic, but since 1906 it has increased in number and insistence. Under cover of the ideal of Liberty we have given the Jews liberty to attack Liberty. What America has been tolerating is intolerance itself. Let us look rapidly down the years and see one phase of that attack. It is the attack upon Christianity. Here are a few items from the record. They are recorded over a period of years following the rise of Jewish power in America:

1899-1900. The Jews attempt to have the word "Christian" removed from the Bill of Rights of the State of Virginia.

1906-1907. The Jews of Oklahoma petition the Constitutional Convention protesting that the acknowledgment of Christ in the new State constitution then being formulated would be repugnant to the Constitution of the United States.

The Jews force "The Merchant of Venice" to be dropped from public schools in Texas, Ohio.

1907-1908. Widespread demand by the Jews for the complete secularization of the public institutions of this country, as a part of the demand of the Jews for their constitutional rights.

Supreme Court Justice Brewer's statement that this is a Christian country widely controverted by Jewish rabbis and publications.

Jews agitate in many cities against Bible reading. Christmas celebrations or carols in Philadelphia, Cincinnati, St. Paul and New York met with strong Jewish opposition.

1908-1909. Protests made to Governor of Arkansas against "Christological expressions" employed by him in his Thanksgiving Day proclamation.

Professor Gotthard Deutsch protests against "Christological prayers" at the high school graduating exercises at Cincinnati.

Jewish community in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania defeats resolutions providing daily Bible reading in schools.

Local Council of Jewish Women of Baltimore petitions school board to prohibit Christmas exercises.

Boycotts were instituted in New York against merchants who opened on Saturday.

Special efforts at this period to introduce the idea of the Jewish Sabbath into public business. Jews refused to sit as jurors in court, thus postponing cases.

1909-1910. On demand of the Jews, the school board of Bridgeport, Pennsylvania, votes to discontinue the recitation of the Lord's Prayer in the school.

In Newark, New Jersey, the rabbis ask the night schools to discontinue Friday evening sessions, because the Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown on Friday.

The work of introducing the idea of Jewish national holidays into public life especially active.

1910-1911. An attempt to have Hebrew officially recognized was frustrated by Supreme Court Judge Goff.

Chicago Jews have election date changed because the official date fell on the last day of the Passover.

Jews oppose Bible reading and singing of hymns in Detroit schools.

Rabbis force Hartford, Connecticut, school board to drop "The Merchant of Venice" from reading list.

New York Kehillah does two contradictory things; favors bill to permit Jews to do all kinds of business on Sunday, and pledges itself to co-operate in the strict enforcement of the Sunday laws.

1911-1912. Jews in Passaic, New Jersey, petition school board to eliminate Bible reading and all Christian songs from the schools.

At request of a rabbi, three principals of Roxbury, Mass., public schools agree to banish Christmas tree and omit all references to the season from their schools.

A Jewish delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention suggests that the Constitution be made to forbid Christian religious references in schools.

The Council of the University Settlement, at the request of the New York Kehillah, adopts this resolution: "That in the holiday celebrations held annually by the Kindergarten Association at the University Settlement every feature of any sectarian character, including Christmas trees, Christmas programs and Christmas songs, shall be eliminated."

1912-1913. Jews at Jackson, Tennessee, seek an injunction to prevent the reading of the Bible in City schools.

Annual Convention Independent Order B'nai B'rith at Nashville, Tennessee, adopts resolution against reading of the Bible and singing Christian songs in public schools.

Chicago Board of Education, scene of much Jewish agitation, approves recommendation of sub-committee to remove Christmas from the list of official public holidays in schools.

1913-1914. The energies of the Jewish powers were concentrated on the task of preventing the United States from changing the immigration laws in a manner to protect the country from undesirable aliens.

1914-1915. More Kehillah attempts to secure modification of the Sunday laws.

1915-1916. Jewish opposition to various movements towards making the schools free to use the Bible.

1916-1917. Jews busy carrying out an immense campaign against the "literacy clause" of the Immigration Bill.

On demand of the Jews the New Haven Connecticut, Board of Education prevents the reading of "The Merchant of Venice," and extends the prohibition to "Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare."

1918-1919. Provost Marshal Crowder, in charge of the Selective Draft U.S. Forces, had issued an order to all medical examiners, under direction of the Surgeon General, stating "The foreign-born, especially Jews, are more apt to malinger than the native-born." Louis Marshall, head of the American Jewish Committee, telegraphed demanding that the "further use of this form shall be at once discontinued." President Wilson ordered the excision of the paragraph.

The United States Shipping Board sent an advertisement to the "New York Times," calling for a file clerk and stating that a "Christian" was preferred - by which is meant always a non-Jew - the paper rejected it. Louis Marshall again went into action and protested to Bainbridge Colby, Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State, demanding "Not because of any desire for inflicting punishment, but for the sake of example and the establishment of a necessary precedent this offense should be followed by a dismissal from the public office of the offender, and the public should be informed the reason." Attention is called to the tone which the American Jewish Committee adopts when addressing high American officials in the name of Jewry. It is not to be duplicated in the addresses of any other representative of any other race or faith.

The Plattsburg Manual, published for officers in the United States officers' training camps, contained the statement that "the ideal officer is a Christian gentleman." The A J.C. at once protested against "Christological manifestations," and the Manual was changed to read "the ideal officer is a courteous gentleman."

The Anti-Defamation Committee claimed that 160 American cities had excluded "The Merchant of Venice" from the public schools.

1919-1920. The Kehillah was so successful in its campaign that it was possible for a Jewish advertiser in New York to say that he wanted only Jewish help, but it was not possible for a non-Jewish advertiser to state his non-Jewish preference.

And so it goes on, year after year, right up to the present day. The incidents quoted are typical not occasional. They represent what is transpiring all the time in the United States as the Jews pursue their "rights." There is no interference with Jewish ways and manners. The Jew may use his own calendar, keep his own days, observe his own form of worship, live in his own ghetto, exist on a dietary principle all his own, slaughter his cattle in a manner which no one who knows about it can approve - he can do all these things without molestation, without the slightest question of his right in them. But, the non-Jew is the "persecuted one." He must do everything the way the Jew wants it done; if not he is infringing on Jewish "rights."

We could replace the words Jew and Jewish with the word liberal, and we'd be on the cutting edge of fair and balanced news.

- GonzoStyle - 12-08-2005

Thats why jews run the world.

- Arpikarhu - 12-09-2005

if people had listened to ford then the jews wouldnt be controlling the media

- GonzoStyle - 12-09-2005

and message boards

- Arpikarhu - 12-09-2005

you control message boards, i will control the media.

- GonzoStyle - 12-09-2005

message boards are gonna be bigger than US Steel.

- Mad - 12-09-2005

Nail them to crosses and let them all suffer for their collective sins.

- GonzoStyle - 12-09-2005

yeah cause christians have been such angels when it comes to spreading the word.