The Great Blizzard Of 06 : My Photo Journal - Printable Version

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The Great Blizzard Of 06 : My Photo Journal - Keyser Soze - 02-12-2006

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- Mad - 02-12-2006

Please smash your camera, kthxbye.

- Goatweed - 02-12-2006

what's with the black & white?

- Keyser Soze - 02-12-2006

ok buddy!

- fbd - 02-12-2006

its not even black and white...its gray and brownish

- Danked - 02-12-2006

The Great Blizzard of Aught 6

- Keyser Soze - 02-12-2006

its sepia, i thought it added a nice touch

- HollywoodJewMoses - 02-12-2006

sepia is pretty emo

- Danked - 02-12-2006

Did you don your fedora and march six miles in the freezing cold to buy a bottle of pop at the market for a nickel?

- Keyser Soze - 02-12-2006

heres a color version for goat

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- Hawt Baux - 02-12-2006

I thought they were pretty.

I'm going to be taking pictures with the baby later, his first snow!

- The Jays - 02-12-2006

what is this the Blizzard of 1906?

I was expecting to see Keyser in every photo.

- Charles Manson - 02-12-2006

haha you have a baby!

- Hawt Baux - 02-12-2006

Haha, no i dont!

- Charles Manson - 02-12-2006

so you're a liar then

- Mad - 02-12-2006

Liar whore liar whore, take your pick.

- Hawt Baux - 02-12-2006

Charles Manson Wrote:so you're a liar then

I was refering to my nephew.

- GonzoStyle - 02-12-2006

if you ended the pic fest with a shot of your cum on the floor, we coulda had something here.

- lush - 02-12-2006

I recognize that neighborhood.
I feel like the more and more I go to Jersey, the more I slightly don't hate it. My hatred is now at 99.82%
I was in The Heights yesterday. Good times.

- GonzoStyle - 02-12-2006

I don't know you anymore.