Now is your chance - Make your voice heard - Printable Version

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- Jack - 07-30-2002

Alright. We went from so many people posting at once that it was causing cgi errors to the point where the cgi service has to come back from standby because nobody has posted in an hour.

Want do you as members see this site as? Is it your escape from work for a few minutes (or hours in some cases)? Is it just a place to relax and find a little humor? What is it?

Also, where do you see us going from here? What do you see the future of this place being? Is there anything special you would like?

Come on people. Speak up. We want to know.

Also, don't forget to put in your email address at the bottom of your post so we can send you coupons/links to websites we think you might be interested in.

Sorry, we don't have a privacy policy.

- NaughtyAngel - 07-30-2002

Quote:Is it your escape from work for a few minutes (or hours in some cases)? Is it just a place to relax and find a little humor?
yeah that

- DGW - 07-30-2002

I would like free beer.

- OAS - 07-30-2002

Jack = Flock of Moosen?

- Jack - 07-30-2002

Quote:Jack = Flock of Moosen?

Why's it gotta be like that? Why can't I ask these questions?

- Doc - 07-30-2002

I like trying to make a funny in as few words as possible. If I can keep doing that, then it's all gravy for me

- The Sleeper - 07-30-2002

I am just using this board to create alliances so when I start my own messageboard,, they will leave here and post on my board. But shhhhh don't tell anyone.

- Goatweed - 07-30-2002

Quote:I would like free beer.
I second that. And some hard liquor as well. :toast:

- OAS - 07-30-2002

Jack, you can ask. I forgot my sarcasm tags. I will remember them next time. That question was so Ken like of you. Carry on.

- ClusterF@#$ - 07-30-2002

Instead of watching The Young and the Restless, I come here because I get to find out who's sleeping with who and this is my inside scoop on betting tips. I also come here for the daily recipes, as well as astrological readings, personal ads, and stock tips. I also come here for lessons in self help and daily affirmation, as well as for the naked midgets that give me oral treats.

I love this place.

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-30-2002

I'm looking for a husband, I hear message boards are a good place to meet people.

- OAS - 07-30-2002

:lookatme: Hi Polly!

- Ken'sPen - 07-30-2002

she didn't mean someone else's husband, gramps.

- OAS - 07-30-2002

I only tell you I'm married Ken so you will stop hitting on me. I'm available to everyone else. And I was just saying :lookatme: to Polly so :fuckoff:

- NaughtyAngel - 07-30-2002

can i be your hubby, polly?

- Sean Cold - 07-30-2002

Simply put. These threads suck. Jack, I would have told you how much they suck in IM's but alas, you are sleeping. I hated these threads on, I hate them here. It makes me feel like Tequilla is actually trying to be a productive member here. Jack, you got the job, no need to kisss any ass.

- NaughtyAngel - 07-30-2002

but it gives us the chance to kiss some ass
::puckers up::

- Arpikarhu - 07-30-2002

i would like a board where the oppressed can be heard. where the children have a place where they grow up free from racism and the ignorant. i want a board that promotes good health and cheap medical assistance. i want a board that makes the world safe for democracy!!
oh say can you see
by the dawn's early light
what so................................................

- PollyannaFlower46 - 07-30-2002

:lookatme: Hi OAS

Oh and Amy, you can be my hubby, but we have to go to Vermont or Hawaii to get married. :loveya:

- NaughtyAngel - 07-30-2002

Hawaii is so much nicer!