Wierdos in the workplace - ...when oddities attack... - Printable Version

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- Doc - 07-31-2002

I was walking to the bathroom for the 3rd time this morning (note to self, less coffee tomorrow morning) and it hit me. I can't be the only one who has to deal with this crap. So I have a simple question:

Who are the really strange people at your job?

Every place I've worked has had its share of nutbars. There seem to be different levels of psycho, but there is this one lady here that really takes the taco.

There is this one woman, I think she might be a little on the slow side, who is obsessed with 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno'. No, it's Ikea's mom, it is this little 5 foot tall wierdo who never stops talking about The Tonight Show.
You go to the cafeteria to pick up your daily caffine, and oh no...there she is. You try not to make eye contact, but she spots you. She waddles on over and says the exact same thing every time: "Do you like watching Leno?".
No matter what your reply is, she then goes on for the next few minutes about how the show is on so late and she sometimes falls asleep watching it but it's a great show.
You try to get out of the conversation and walk away, but she follows. She will follow you all the way down the hallway, I've actually seen guys duck into the bathroom in order to shake her.

It's funny as hell to see the new college interns get their first experience of Tonight Show Woman. They're all new and innocent, they don't know anyone, and this someone odd looking woman walks up to them out of nowhere and starts babbaling about the monologue last night. The new guy looks around like an impala surrounded by 5 lions who just got off Jenny Craig.

So, what crackheads are at your places of business

- Arpikarhu - 07-31-2002

department of redundancy department

- Ken'sPen - 07-31-2002

I heard tell of this old senile chap who hits on all the young ladies and will stop anyone to tell them, "what that fucker Ken did today".

- Doc - 07-31-2002

Quote:Morgan trying to be a wisenhiemer

Well you see Timmy, that was refering to strange ANIMALS at the workplace

This is so totally different, like Coke and New Coke

Edited By Doc on July 31 2002 at 11:23

- Danked - 07-31-2002

Quote:The new guy looks around like an impala surrounded by 5 lions who just got off Jenny Craig.
I think Jay Leno used that line last night in his monologue.

- Arpikarhu - 07-31-2002

Quote:I think Jay Leno used that line last night in his monologue.
you saw it too? do you like jay leno?

- Luna - 07-31-2002

We have one client that comes in with every excuse in the book for pain-killers. She chews up alot of your time complaining about her failed marriage, yet, she will not accept a referral to a psychologist. :crackhead:

- Danked - 07-31-2002

Oh, he's the greatest!

When the audience doesn't laugh for him, I always do! Cause I know he knows I'm watching and I don't want to let him down!

- OAS - 07-31-2002

Quote:I heard tell of this old senile chap who hits on all the young ladies and will stop anyone to tell them, "what that fucker Ken did today".
You think to hard and not in a good way.

I have an extremely immature management team working for me. They were all inherited. They are all weird in many respects. I hate these current employment laws. It takes forever to make changes. All these opportunities you need to give people to improve their performance. It makes one ill.

- Spitfire - 07-31-2002

Quote:So, what crackheads are at your places of business

More like heroin addict Rolleyes

I hate this place :pissed:

- HedCold - 07-31-2002

you should go on and on about how much leno sucks. maybe you can get her to cry :thumbs-up:

- Danked - 07-31-2002

Quote:More like heroin addict Rolleyes

HyBriD? Undecided

- Doc - 07-31-2002

Quote:you should go on and on about how much leno sucks. maybe you can get her to cry

Maybe if I jsut start yelling 'Letterman is a God' she'll leave me alone.

Or she'll stab me:clueless:

- Sloatsburgh - 07-31-2002

I'm that person here, except it's the O&A show, South Park, or Ice Hockey. I cannot carry on a conversation that does not involve one of the 3. Even if it's about Half~Life. I always have to mention that I heard about the game because of the O&A show or that Ant's name is Frag Monster.

- Kid Afrika - 07-31-2002

There's a temp in my office that's been here for nearly two years at this point. Everyday, he goes to lunch by himself and takes his breaks by himself. In the middle of the summer, he actually goes out to his car and sits in the sweltering heat for 15 minutes rather than socializing with anyone in the office. I can understand not liking one or two people in an office, but this kid apparently doesn't like anyone.

Then there's the inane conversation to beat around the bush for five minutes before I ask you what I came here to ask you - guy. FUCKING WEIRDO!!! Just tell me what you want! I don't need to deal with 5 minutes of niceties(sp?) so you can ask me to show you how to store files on the network.

- Sloatsburgh - 07-31-2002

On one hand K1d is complaining about a coworker being anti-social, then he bitches about a coworker that is trying to be social......

- Doc - 07-31-2002

You know, the anger thing for k1d really starting to come into focus here. hell sloats, you should charge 150 and hour to do that

- OAS - 07-31-2002

I think the 5 minute beating around the bush thing is they are trying to hit on you Kid.

- SYNTuesday - 07-31-2002

Quote:This is so totally different, like Coke and New Coke
Ya. The animal thread is Coke. And just like New Coke, this thread sucks.

- Kid Afrika - 07-31-2002

Quote:On one hand K1d is complaining about a coworker being anti-social, then he bitches about a coworker that is trying to be social......
Being social is one thing... talking my ear off because you don't have the balls to just come out and ask me something, that's something else entirely.

And I don't care that the first guy is anti-social, I just said it was weird. Have you seen the title of the thread?