I'm Coming? - Cheers! - Printable Version

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- Kim - 08-03-2002

Sperm-shaped booze bottle slammed

A row has broken out in Holland over an alcoholic drink which is served in sperm-shaped bottles.

Anti-drinking campaigners say it is a marketing gimmick which wrongly associates sex with alcohol.

The bottles of Popsy contain a vanilla-caramel flavoured drink and carry the slogan: "I'm coming."

The Dutch Foundation for Alcohol Prevention says the campaign is perverse and breaks local advertising codes.

He says the codes are there to prevent the link being drawn between drinking and sexual or social success.

The Foundation's Wim Van Dalen told Twentse Courant Tubantia: "They've crossed the bounds of decency. Its absolutely not done to link alcohol to sexuality that way."

All of the sudden Holland is worrying about decency? Don't they have anything else to worry about besides what a bottle of booze looks like?

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

Quote:Anti-drinking campaigners say it is a marketing gimmick which wrongly associates sex with alcohol.

If they started drinking more, then they may get laid.

- IrishAlkey - 08-04-2002

Quote:If they started drinking more, then they may get laid.

Worked for me.

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

Yeah but you got your victims drunk, there's a difference.

- SYNTuesday - 08-04-2002

Quote:All of the sudden Holland is worrying about decency? Don't they have anything else to worry about besides what a bottle of booze looks like?
Ya, like the fact that they're producing freaks like this:

<font size=+1>Could I interest you in a schmok and a pankek?
[Image: austin3_11137F.jpg]

- IrishAlkey - 08-04-2002

Victims my ass!

More like "chosen ones"...

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

Bah! it's facemans sig, I wonder if he pictures himself like that.

- crx girl - 08-04-2002

Quote:Don't they have anything else to worry about besides what a bottle of booze looks like?
no, they legalized marijuana, what's left to worry about?

- GonzoStyle - 08-04-2002

the widespread infestation of hooke... nevermind.

- LZMF1 - 08-04-2002

FACT: alcohol increases a woman's libido and does the exact opposite to a man.

- Galt - 08-04-2002

Quote:<s>FACT</s>Farce: alcohol increases a woman's libido and does the exact opposite to a man.