What are you posting? - Printable Version

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- Kid Afrika - 08-04-2002

I was just curious as to what types of threads are being posted. So, I did a quick li'l analysis of the first page of threads. Basicaly, I put each thread into categories and then took a count of the different types of threads. I did this simply to put things in perspective.

Board-Related threads (4) - These are threads announcing board changes/mods or other official-type shit.

Discussion threads (8) - These are threads where it's an open discussion on the given topic.

Game threads (2) - Self-explanatory. I was surprised by the decline in game threads.

Personal threads (8) - Any thread consisting of a semi-private conversation or inside joke.

Parody threads (1) - Thread that is usually the complete opposite of another thread. (i.e. - Bow to jack/Blame jack)

The thread count right now shows a positive trend. While there are too many personal threads for my liking, there are just as many discussion threads. I see this as a good thing. Also, there are only 2 game threads. Overall, the board is looking pretty even in its content. I'd like to see how much this changes during the week though.

And no, you people are not here to satisfy me. I just wanted to see exactly what kind of shit is being posted. I figure how can I complain, if I don't have any facts. And, the facts show that, as of now, I really don't have anything to complain about. So, nyuh!!!

- NaughtyAngel - 08-04-2002

i guess you havent been to my kingdom yet

- fbd - 08-04-2002

and if you really get technical, one of the game threads is a parody thread...but is that good or bad?

Edited By fbdlingfrg on Aug. 04 2002 at 1:27

- Kid Afrika - 08-04-2002

I thought that the fact that it was a game thread preceded its being a parody thread, and yet both are equally as useless in my opinion. But alas, that's just the way it is.

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

So, right now, the board is the optimal dosage of Lithium for Kid right now.

Good to know.

- Keyser Soze - 08-04-2002

I expect slides and pie charts in your next report.

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

Personally, I like the bar graphs.

- Ken'sPen - 08-04-2002

I think it is funny that Afrika started a thread to say he has nothing to complain about......

then again, it doesn't happen a lot.

- Kid Afrika - 08-04-2002

<center>[Image: chart.gif]

- The Sleeper - 08-04-2002

All graphs should have a title. Did you not learn anything in school?

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

"Long way to go for a joke".

- Kid Afrika - 08-04-2002

I assembled the data for my study in excel, so the chart was easy. However, I did not format the data or modify the chart. I just used the wizard.

- SLASH - 08-04-2002

I was joking. No need to go explaining yourself, ;-)

- Kid Afrika - 08-05-2002

You forgot this... ;-) in your other post

- Galt - 08-05-2002

Shouldn't this be in the "cunt" forum?

- Kid Afrika - 08-05-2002

When did you get a forum?

- Arpikarhu - 08-05-2002

illegal use of the word cunt. 5 yards, repeat second down!

- SYNTuesday - 08-05-2002

So k1d, which catagory does this fall under? It's not a discussion, just kind of a presentation of facts.:clueless:

- Kid Afrika - 08-05-2002

I guess it would be "Board Related", but it's also meant to be a "Discussion" of the types of threads posted on this board.

- diceisgod - 08-05-2002

Launch a parabola over that bar graph.